Title: Ianto’s Journey - Chapter 8
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Ianto Jones, Lisa Hallet
Series Rating: 15
Words: 677 / 25351
Spoilers: S1E4, S2E12, DW-S2E12, DW-S2E13
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for hc_bingo prompt "Loss of Income/Job".
Start at the
ProloguePrevious chapter -
Chapter 7 “Right, come on everybody,” Jack said, “it’s time we finished for the day. Let’s go to the pub. The first round is on me. Where’s Ianto.”
“In the archives,” Tosh replied, “I gave him a comms unit.”
Jack tapped the comm in his ear, “Ianto? Come back up to the surface. And bring your coat, we’re all going out.”
“On my way, Sir.”
Ianto sat quietly at the table in the Eli Jenkins pub in Mermaid Quay, listening as Jack held court with amusingly risqué tales. Owen and Suzie occasionally joined in, whilst it seemed Toshiko was happy just to sit and listen and sip her wine.
At a break in the conversation, Owen piped up “It’s your round Ianto, the new boy should get us all a drink.”
Ianto felt his face heating up, “I um, I’m sorry but I didn’t know we were coming to the pub. I don’t have any money.”
Jack quickly stood up, “not a problem, I’ll get them. You can help me carry them though Ianto.” He said, waiting for the younger man to stand before placing a hand in the small of his back and steering him towards the bar.
“I’m sorry,” said Ianto, “I should go.”
“Don’t be silly, it’s no big deal. I can sub you twenty quid for the round.”
“Thanks, but I won’t be able to pay you back,” muttered Ianto.
Jack changed direction, and instead of heading straight to the bar he steered his newest recruit towards a quieter part of the pub. “You ok Ianto?”
Ianto looked down at the floor. “In London, just before the battle, Lisa and I bought a little flat. It wasn’t much but it was ours.” He raised his head to meet the Captain’s gaze, “After she… after she died I couldn’t stay there. I had to get out of London, but I couldn’t sell the flat either.” Ianto swallowed hard and looked away. “I didn’t have any savings left after paying the deposit. Obviously I had no job. Torchwood One just ceased to exist. There was no severance package for those of us that were left. I maxed out my overdraft and my credit card putting down a deposit on a flat here and paying the first two month’s rent whilst keeping up the mortgage payments on the flat in London. I don’t even have the money for food and essentials - I can’t afford to be drinking at a pub.” Ianto had said far more than he meant to, but actually it felt good to just be able to vent his worry and frustration. He didn’t like to burden Lisa with things like that as she had enough to be dealing with.
“I’m sorry, I… I shouldn’t have said all that. I need to go.” Ianto muttered, turning towards the door.
Jack caught his arm. “Stay. It sounds like you could do with a drink and to relax.” Jack took his wallet out of his back pocket and opened it up, removing the small handful of notes there. He took a twenty off the top and held the rest out to Ianto. He knew he always carried two hundred pounds, just in case. He’d spent twenty on the last round and had taken twenty for this round, leaving one sixty to give to Ianto.
Ianto stared at the money in Jack’s hand and his face heated up in embarrassment.
“Take it,” Jack said gently.
“I can’t.” Ianto croaked, his voice lost to this unexpected act of generosity.
“Consider it part of a relocation package. I’ll work out a proper one for you at the office tomorrow.” Jack said reaching out and placing the folded notes in the top pocket of Ianto’s jacket.
“Thank you.” Ianto whispered, suddenly finding it hard to breath as a lump formed in his throat and tears threatened to prick at his eyes.
“Now let’s go and get that round in,” Jack said with a grin, turning and walking towards the bar and tactfully giving the younger man a moment to pull himself together.
On to
Chapter 9