Title: Ianto’s Journey - Chapter 12
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Ianto Jones, Lisa Hallet, Jack Harkness
Series Rating: 15
Words: 792 / 25351
Spoilers: S1E4, S2E12, DW-S2E12, DW-S2E13
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for hc_bingo prompt "Hunger/Starvation".
Start at the
Prologue Previous chapter -
Chapter 11 Ianto closed the book he had been reading aloud and looked over at Lisa. She wasn’t asleep, but her eyes were glazed over. She seemed to be getting more and more distant and Ianto didn’t know what to do about it.
“Lisa?” Ianto asked, touching her hand.
“Oh, sorry. I was miles away.”
“That’s ok. Where were you?” Ianto offered her a small smile.
“I don’t know….”
“Never mind,” he said cheerfully as his heart shattered a bit more.
Since getting her into the hub and connecting her to that machine Lisa had been getting a little stronger. The machine was breathing for her and he was able to regulate her pain meds and nutrients better with a little help from the medical bay upstairs that he was now in charge of keeping stocked. He was sure nobody would notice the extra items he added to the orders that never quite made it to Owen.
But worryingly Lisa’s mind seemed to be suffering. She was often vacant, and even when she was paying attention she didn’t always respond to his questions or comments, anecdotes and stories in the way that he would expect. He couldn’t really put his finger on what was different, but she didn’t laugh at the same things she normally would, didn’t seem to empathise like she once did. Her reactions seemed different, colder.
He guessed he couldn’t really blame her, stuck down here in the cold damp basement with only his hourly visits for company. She was, or at least had been, a people person. She must be going stir crazy in near solitary confinement, not to mention the constant pain and worry over whether she would ever be free from her metal cage.
Ianto missed her, even though he spent every possible spare minute of his day with her he missed her.
He missed her smile; the only ones he got from her now seemed fake, not forced exactly, more like she had forgotten how to smile.
He missed her laugh; the infectious giggle that he couldn’t resist, that always made him smile. He hadn’t heard it for so long, not since that day.
He longed to hold her, unimpeded by the metal framework imprisoning her.
He hungered for her touch; the simple pleasures of walking down the road hand in hand, the way she would touch his arm to get his attention, or slip her arms around his waist from behind when he was cooking so that he would turn and hug her and they would kiss.
He missed her kisses, sometime sweet and tender, her lips pliant against his. Sometimes hard and possessive, no two kisses ever the same, but all were amazing. And yes, he was a man - he missed the more intimate moments too, his own right hand just wasn’t the same.
Ianto sighed and stood up. “I have to get back to work.” He leant over and kissed his girlfriend on the mouth letting his lips linger, trying unsuccessfully to deepen the kiss but she remained unresponsive. He pulled away. “I’ll be back to check on you as soon as I can,” he muttered then left the room.
Back up in the hub, the rest of the team were nowhere to be seen, but the door to Jack’s office was open and the Captain could be seen bent over some paperwork at his desk.
Ianto stuck his head around the door, “Coffee Sir?” he asked.
“You are a life-saver.” Jack grinned, getting up to follow Ianto’s perfect arse in the well-tailored suit as he disappeared into the kitchen.
Ianto smiled to himself. Here was a man who would give him all the attention and affection he could handle, given half a chance. At least until he got bored, or overcame his coffee addiction.
Ianto’s heart clenched as he realised, once again, what direction his thoughts had gone. Jack was a man. His boss. The person who held the power of life or death over his girlfriend if she were to be found. And yet there was no denying his attraction. It was only ever supposed to be a way to distract the Captain but…. Right now it was Ianto who needed the distraction, who needed a bit of warm human company. He was starved of affection, Ianto just wanted to feel appreciated and cared for.
As if reading his friend’s mind, Jack stepped quietly into the kitchen and, checking nobody was about - he didn’t want to embarrass the young man, he stepped up behind him at the coffee machine and wrapped his arms around Ianto’s waist.
“Careful Sir, that’s harassment.” Ianto said as he turned around with a smile on his lips and in his eyes, but with a lump in his throat.
On to
Chapter 13