Name: Spencer, Spike
Sex: Male
Age: 16
D.O.B.: October 25th
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'6”
Weight: 120lbs.
Eyes: Brown (uhh, I'm gonna assume his crazy anime eye color is from contacts)
Hair: Brown
Birthplace: Kingston, TX
Nationality: American
Family History:
Father and mother: Names unknown, both gave up custody of Spike to the state.
Legal guardian: Alice Rottenmeier (aunt), 38.
Siblings: None.
Life History: Spike Spencer was born to a family that could be aptly described as "trailer trash", and spent much of his life being ignored by both of his parents. On the contrary, both seemed to view him as the "reason" they were stuck in a loveless marriage and as early as Spike could remember, neither parent could tell him that they loved him, or that they were particularly happy to have him around. He was a child who was often “forgotten” at supermarkets and other public places, and ended up growing up to be very quiet, as the little attention he received from his parents was often negative.
When Spike was eight years old, a nearby state passed a “safe haven” law that was intended for young mothers to safely drop off their infants at hospitals without fear of punishment. However, the state allowed any child under 18 to be dropped off and Spike ended up being one of the thirty-six children who were abandoned before the law was hastily changed. Although his parents refused to take him back, he was able to be safely relocated to another city where an aunt lived, one who cared just enough to take him under her wing.
However, the damage was done, and Spike's personality changed from a quiet, shy boy to a “vicious, aggressive monster”, as said aunt put it later. Spike no longer trusted adults, he couldn't stand other kids his age and viewed them with jealousy, and he often got into fights for the littlest things. He was in and out of the principal's office, suspended from many schools, and overall ended up getting a reputation as being a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment. By the time he was 16, his frustrated aunt was threatening him daily and relations between the two were more or less strained to the point where Spike was often found violating curfew by sleeping on park benches.
Things turned around for Spike when he met Brendan Blake, a boy who ended up going to the only school that would accept Spike at that point. Brendan quickly became a very special person to Spike, partially because Spike could understand how Brendan felt being “abandoned” by his father, and partially because Brendan was the only person who could patiently deal with Spike and his many, many problems. Spike felt accepted by the older boy and felt especially important to him because Spike ended up being one of Brendan's closest friends as Brendan's own delusions got worse and worse.
To tell the truth, although Spike initially thought Brendan's fantastical stories about “Lelouch vi Britannia” and the freedom fighter “Zero” were strange, he supported those delusions and slowly started to play his part in them as “Rolo”, Lelouch's little brother who also happened to be a cool assassin that could stop time. Although Spike did eventually meet and befriend the rest of Brendan's friends and family, he couldn't help but look down at Lance, Brendan's best friend, for not being able to understand Brendan in his time of need. He looked down on the school's student council for being another source of stress for Brendan, and although he seemed to like Natalie, there was still an underlying hint of jealousy that she had what he could never have: Brendan as a real brother.
For a year, though, life was good and Spike's behavior seemed to be improving, even going as far as to repair his relationship with his aunt, and improving his grades. It appeared that Spike would finally be able to recover and get his life back, but one day, he came over only to find a sobbing Natalie informing him that Brendan's delusions got worse and he was sent away. The resulting shock was tremendous for Spike, who had grown to depend on Brendan's company, and he slowly started to crack. Although he tried to hold onto the life he had and stayed strong for Brendan's sake, it was clear that Spike was slowly started to revert back to his old ways.
The stress became too much for him when, shortly after Brendan was taken away, Spike's father returned after eight years. After doing some soul searching, it seemed that his father regretted throwing away his son and wanted to start again with Spike. Although his aunt thought this would be joyous news for him, this became the straw that broke the camel's back. Spike literally panicked at the thought of his father, a hated figure to him, separating him from Brendan before Brendan even had a chance to come back. Therefore, Spike ended up hatching a plan to make sure that he would be with Brendan forever: he would get himself admitted to Landels.
The unfortunate sacrifice for his plan was Charlotte, a good friend of Brendan's. Charlotte came over to Spike's house to see if he wanted to visit Brendan, and according to the story, this was when Spike “snapped” and stabbed her with a boxcutter, threatening to kill “Nunnally” next. Charlotte was able to call for help and Spike was apprehended before he was able to make it to Natalie's house. By then, Spike appeared to be a raving lunatic, calling himself “Rolo” and claiming his actions were for the sake of his his brother, “Lelouch”. In truth, he knew exactly what he was doing, carefully crafting his story so that it matched Brendan's delusions word by word. In the end, he was declared insane and sent to Landels after his trial. It is assumed that Spike ended up adopting his “Rolo” persona so well that, somewhere along the lines, he actually became it and couldn't tell reality from fiction anymore.
Medical History: The patient was born with a ventricular septal defect. The defect was not diagnosed until the age of eight when the patient was examined at the hospital he was dropped off in. The hole in his septum has possibly already closed up and has not produced any problems, but due to lack of care in early childhood years, keep the patient out of extremely physical stressful situations and check the patient's heart every few months for extremely loud murmurs. Request medication if necessary.
The patient's need to be accepted by Brendan Blake as a brother may have caused him to adopt the personality of “Rolo Lamperouge”, who is supposed to be Brendan's alter ego's little brother. This has caused him to view others with extreme paranoia and as “threats”, abandoning any past relationships and replacing them with relationships that fit the mold of the fake world Brendan has created. The character “Rolo Lamperouge” is described as a remorseless assassin, and care should be taken when dealing with the patient as long as he believes he is “Rolo”. He is prone to violence and will attack with little provocation. Sedation may be necessary to protect the patient and others from harm, and his contact with Brendan Blake should be limited, so that they do not support each other's delusions.
Because the targets of his attacks were Charlotte Fennell and Natalie Blake, do not allow them to be around the patient unsupervised.
Current Status: The patient has made no progress since being admitted to Landels. It was theorized that initially, the patient deliberately pretended to fall victim to his delusions with the goal of being admitted to Landels, but the patient has since then completely adopted the persona of “Rolo Lamperouge” and treats himself as such. Take care not to further his delusions and make sure he does not hurt himself or any other patients during this time.
Character: Rolo Lamperouge
"Real" Name: Spike Spencer
"Real Life" Personality: Spike is not the friendliest fellow - although he made some friends thanks to Brendan Blake and is on cordial terms with most of them, he remains aloof and a little cold. While he's not too social, he doesn't mind talking to people, but it tends not to go anywhere. He is very caring of Brendan, and the care extends somewhat to Brendan's circle of friends, though at the same time he sort of envies them and is somewhat cautious around them due to his abandonment issues. He seems to be a calm individual most of the time but Spike has a few "triggers" that cause him to fly off the handle and react violently.
Feelings Toward Canon Life: Spike is a little depressed that even in his made-up life, he's not as close to Brendan as he'd like to be. He takes the fact that he's not "Lelouch's" real little brother as a sign that maybe Brendan doesn't like him all that much and although he thinks the whole "being an assassin and having powers" thing is kinda cool, he feels like he's actually more miserable in that life than his real one. More than anything, Spike wants his "real" life back, the life he had before Brendan got sent to the hospital and he decided to shank Charlotte to get in Landels. Oops.
Feelings Toward Fellow Patients: Generally apathetic, a little wary of them since some of them are still crazy and he's not (though he understands what that's like).
Towards his canonmates:
Brendan/Lelouch - Still loves him and is very affectionate/overprotective. He doesn't outright refer to Brendan as his brother but he definitely thinks of Brendan as one and secretly wishes he was.
Lance/Suzaku - Is nice to him, but he actually looks down on Lance and thinks that he did more harm than good towards Brendan during the early stages of Brendan's psychosis. He feels like he's a "better" friend than Lance is.
Diana/Euphemia - Doesn't know her, but she's Brendan's half sister and Brendan likes her, so Spike tries to be cordial towards her. Therefore, he'll feel bad if she brings up the "Massacre Princess" thing.
Natalie/Nunnally (not in the game, but for reference) - He appears to get along really well with her, but Spike actually is insanely jealous of her and the real reason he's nice to her is because he wants to look good to Brendan. 8(
Charlotte/Shirley (same as above) - Feels bad about stabbing her. It was nothing personal, but now that he looks back at it, it was not the best of ideas.