400w > qmi (sjm)
naming this after the most horrible line in the most horrible song i've ever loved
“You know if we were pandas, I can just walk over and lick your face and no one will think it’s strange. Like, I can just straddle you and they,” Kyuhyun flicks a glance at the fangirls gathered outside the radio station, “won’t even blink an eye. We’ll just be pandas. Fucking pandas, pandas fucking, no big deal.”
Zhou Mi looks impressed by that thought (well, feather boas, fantastically glimmery hats of epic ugly proportions, ridiculous dinosaur-sized lacy ruffle collars your great aunt Molly four times removed won’t be caught dead in, large fake pink flowers with pearl centers (poisonous, of course. Scientific name: Dieplease obsceneuglything), blue sequins (yeah, Kyu Joowon’s blue sequined tracksuit, its new happy address reads ‘Zhou Mi’s wardrobe’), impress Zhou Mi). Then he appears pensive.
They are separated from the fangirls by a mere glass door. It doesn’t look very steady against their pushing. A crack threatens to be born. One girl is holding up a fanart depicting naked Kyuhyun, she also seems to be screaming, “Oppa! Here! Look here!.” Her index finger is grazing fanart-Kyuhyun’s crotch. Kyuhyun averts his gaze immediately and pretends to be blind/deaf/retarded (no acting here).
“I hardly think they’re immune to you guys straddling each other,” Donghae winks.
He’s ignored.
Donghae pouts. Eunhyuk hugs him. Rabid Fangirls become rabid-er (“Eunhae!” Someone at the front faints. Everyone behind steps on her for a better view. Siwon prays for humanity). Ryeowook looks scared.
“Actually, panda breeding is a huge thing in China,” Zhou Mi clarifies. “We’ll be residing in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. We’ll also have speculators calculating the number of ejaculations.”
“I’d be a stud panda,” Kyuhyun leers (Kyuhyun is very good at leering, Henry thinks). “Too perfect.”
“Just an exhibitionist,” Zhou Mi says, pokerfaced. But he’s inherently a gigantic ball of fail at pretense. A goofy grin breaks his face a nanosecond later. “I approve.” Qmi seal their agreement with some really suggestive eyebrow acrobatics.
‘Holy crap, that’s disgusting,’ Sungmin thinks. “Holy crap, that’s disgusting,” Sungmin says.
“You know, if you guys were pandas at the research centre, you’ll be made to watch panda porn,” Siwon says mid-prayer.
He’s not ignored.
“Fuck yeah, panda porn stars,” Kyuhyun is awed, even though no one says anything about him being a panda porn star. There is a dreamy faraway look on his face. He looks like a rainbow.
“Gay pandas,” Sungmin shivers at the thought. “The researchers will be devastated. All those years invested in studying panda semen.”
“Male pandas are housed separately,” Siwon quips knowledgeably. Obviously, clearly and most definitely, the Bible teaches everything.
He’s ignored.
"In the event that I'm on loan to Egypt for breeding and biological research purposes, you must come along with me," Kyuhyun declares sternly to Zhou Mi.
Zhou Mi nods. Even though he thinks his fluffy brand of diplomacy is going to cause WWIII.
talking about this, top pic....lets not go into the second pic....
erm, yeah?i think pandas are all housed separately? :3