My biggest regret? Not running away from home sooner.
My favourite place in the universe is a little room up the back of the TARDIS, somehow there's a huge field in there. Its so quiet and away from everything and everyone. If I've had a bad day I like to go there and just think. Sounds a bit sappy doesn't it?
Perhaps one day though I can't imagine it would be anytime soon.
Anywhere but Perivale.
That one day the cheetah virus will take control of me. That I'll lose the fight.
Comments 23
Where's your favourite place in the universe?
Would you ever leave the Doctor?
And if you did, where would you go?
Are you secretly afraid of anything?
My favourite place in the universe is a little room up the back of the TARDIS, somehow there's a huge field in there. Its so quiet and away from everything and everyone. If I've had a bad day I like to go there and just think. Sounds a bit sappy doesn't it?
Perhaps one day though I can't imagine it would be anytime soon.
Anywhere but Perivale.
That one day the cheetah virus will take control of me. That I'll lose the fight.
D'y'miss yer bomber jacket?
Turnabout! Why'd y'decide y'love me?
If y'could change one thing 'bout yer life now, what'd it be?
Do y'ever wish things were different with yer mum?
Sometimes, but I grew up. Grew out of it, literally and metaphorically.
Because when you were going after me...well I thought it cute...and you grew on me. Grew on me pretty fast actually.
That the universe was saved so you have one less thing to worry about.
Sometimes I wish we'd gotten along...though if we had of...perhaps I wouldn't have met the Professor, and been a part of all this.
Grew on y'like a fungus? XD
Tha's sweet, love. I don' mean for y't'know tha' I worry.
Naaah, you an' me're meant t'be. So y'd 'ave t'meet th'Professor, yeah? Otherwise there'd be no us!
I'm your wife, I know these things. 'Sides, it's part of the job description of marrying an Eternal.
Yeah, and we couldn't have that now could we?
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