[WARNINGS] Blood, obscurity, major PH spoilers. [OPTIONAL] If you may, you will feel everything Oz feels during the dream. Intense dread, power, fear, you name it. ♥
[The dream is one that is all too familiar to her. Even if this is more dream than memory - facts distorted and shaped into a nightmare of his own personal making - she still feels everything that Oz does, reliving that event on her own. By the end of it, she's shut her eyes and covered them with her hands, swallowing painfully as she tries not to break down crying. Which is why she doesn't realize he's woken and ends up yelling to him:]
[It was hardly Eliot's place to make sense of any of what was going on, even though he recognized some of the people within the dream. He was gritting his teeth as the kid's emotions flowed through him, trying to make himself forget the fact that the fear and dread the dream was instilling in him felt far too similar to what had plagued his own dreams in the last few months... Damnit, this was OZ he was thinking about. He wasn't supposed to have anything in common with him, especially not the same feelings.
A shiver went up his spine as he saw the smile on Oz's face, not realizing that in Oz's time, he would have seen him like this before. Whether what the kid was seeing was based in reality or not, which he really hoped it wasn't, if he was having a nightmare this bad, something had to be wrong.]
Comments 153
O-Oz! You have a fever! Is there anyone in the mansion that can take care of you?
Noel's up late.... [ A weak smile as he stars, almost in a daze, at the screen, trying to regroup. CHANGING TOPIC IS A GO. ]
Th-That doesn't matter! You're obviously burning up, so don't even try to hide it! Has this started only today, or...?
V-Vessalius! Wake up you fool!
Hah... Oh...
What's wrong?
That dream! Can't you keep from letting your feelings spill out like that?!
[Ignoring the fact that she already knows it's impossible to keep these things from ending up being shown on the devices no matter what.]
I didn't know it would be broadcasted. [ an almost flat response ]
Master Oz...?
Little Echo, it's late.
... Is Master Oz all right?
[ Weak laugh, hah ]
A shiver went up his spine as he saw the smile on Oz's face, not realizing that in Oz's time, he would have seen him like this before. Whether what the kid was seeing was based in reality or not, which he really hoped it wasn't, if he was having a nightmare this bad, something had to be wrong.]
Oz! Can you hear me?
[His voice does soften a little though as he sees Oz, and realizes that he's really not looking too good.] ... and what's wrong with you?
'm fine. Eliot is starting to worry as much as Gil. [ But oh, does he not sound fine at all. ]
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