It was good to be in Egypt- it was his homeland, and he felt at ease here, even more than he had originally assumed. It was like coming home, really coming home, a strange feeling he could hardly describe. He never disliked living in Japan- in fact, wherever his husband would want to live, he'd be glad to live there as well. But here, in Egypt.. it
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And yet it was. A part of her did have to admit that this Cairo made Mana feel at home. It had to have been something in the air or the way the sun felt on her skin. But another part wished that Amelda was with her to share this feeling and to help her understand it. She sighed and pouted a little, missing Amelda's smile and arms and kisses...
Mana shook her head quickly, trying to make herself cheer up. This was a special day after all! Atemu had invited her for tea! He hardly ever did that! After all, he had Prince-sama and she understood how ( ... )
It had been so long that they had sat down and just simply talked, and it made him feel guilty. He'd done nothing but ignore her, or at least take her for granted. He'd ignored her in growing up, ignored to see how she was maturing.. his little sister, and he had barely been a good, elder brother.
Atemu hurried to open the door for her- he wouldn't want to keep her waiting, after all. With the tea on the stove, water almost boiling, he went to open the door, greeting her.
"Mana, so good to see you," he said, showing her a genuine warm smile. "Come in, please..!"
"Pharaoh-sama! It's good to see you, too, very much so!" Mana stepped inside, a bit shyly. But when she looked up at him, Mana couldn't help but give him a warm hug. "Thank you for inviting me over!"
"I am glad you could make it," he said, pulling away a little but not completely letting go of her, studying her face. She was still the same Mana on the outside, but surely there were more mature traits in her facial features. "Mahaado must have kept you busy?"
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