[OOC - shadow plot info]

Jan 10, 2010 17:56

Arcana Card

Ten’s arcana is the Tower (Reversed). Played straight, it represents a sudden change and upheaval; a sudden crisis and an ego blow telling you to wake up and smell the toast burning. It’s quick, chaotic and explosive, and far from gentle. Hard times could possibly be ahead. It’s often portrayed as an omen of doom and disaster, but that’s not all it is; there is a bright side to be found in every sudden change, and it could be that what is seemingly a disaster is actually the first step of a change for the better.

It can also represent dualism, and the smashing of dualism into the parts that made it up, preparing for renewal. False structures, false beliefs and false institutions all suddenly come tumbling down all at once, and you suddenly realize the truth.

Reversed, it can also mean that you’re currently in a hard situation but you’re about to turn things around and come out of it well. Remember that bright side I was talking about? That's pretty much it. :'D


Description: The only real difference to see between Ten and his shadow at first is the way they’re dressed; his shadow wears a black version of his normal suit, and on top of that, a Time Lord cloak in the Prydonian colours of red and orange, the Seal of Rassilon in the centre of his chest. His smile might just look slightly more arrogant and cold than usual, as well.

Personality: Ten’s shadow is a confusing and contradictory thing. At first, it doesn't seem to act too differently. Stick around, though, and you’ll notice that he acts a lot more arrogant, a lot more self-entitled. He doesn’t just joke around about how brilliant he is - he actually believes it, and he believes that that makes him so much better, so much more, than all the rest of you. He’s also not shy about using all the powers that he has at his disposal. He’s a Time Lord. Moreover, he is the last of the Time Lords; more than a survivor, a winner, the Time Lord Victorious. He can make the rules now if he wants, and he can break them, because he knows what’s best for the universe. He has that right.

He hasn’t lost any of his desire to help people; the problem is that now there are no limits. He wants to make the universe better, and there has to be sacrifices for that. Is that planet going to be a planet full of murderous Imperialists in a few thousand years time? Well, it’ll just have to be destroyed and toppled now, won’t it, even if they’re currently completely innocent. They can’t be expected to think for themselves. It’s just tough.

He’s dismissive of any and all of his relationships, as well. They all leave him in the end, or die. He’s tired. He can’t be bothered with any of them any more. You entertain him, but what can you possibly offer him? Sooner or later, he will destroy you, and that’s your fault for following him. What could you possibly know? Your minds are so tiny, you can’t possibly ever fathom what he can. He’s not alright, and won’t ever be alright, but then, you can’t do anything to help that. It’s just something else that’s tough.

He’s also terrified of regenerating. Every regeneration brings him closer to his final death, but it’s more than that; regenerating means that everything he is right now dies. His attitudes to everything change, and Ten doesn’t want to let go of what he’s built for himself while he’s been in his tenth regeneration. He’s happy being himself. He doesn’t want to change. So any talk of death will result in an immediate and negative reaction from him.

Deep down? Shadow!Ten hates himself. He hates what he’s become, he knows it’s wrong, but he can’t do a thing about it, even while he’s busy laughing over how brilliant he is. Yes, his manifestation of his issues has issues too, that is how bad it is.

TL;DR, Ten’s shadow is a manifestation of all his darkest urges; it’s his fear that he’s become no better than the rest of his people given form. He spent so long rejecting Gallifrey and running away from it, but he’s still a Gallifreyan. He’s scared that at his core, he’s no better than they are. And ever since the Time War, he’s scared that he’s just clinging to his pedestal out of fear that he’s no better than everything he stands against.

Dungeon/Environment: His dungeon would look like a labyrinth with TARDIS aesthetics, but looking like she did when she became a paradox machine - lots of red lighting. There’d also be a lot of Seals of Rassilon kicking about on the walls, because we do love Time Lord superiority, yes we do.

The Shadow's 'True Form'

Description: Hugely massive, half-clockwork (to represent the fact that he's a Time Lord), and half flesh. He wears a rabbit mask represents that he's like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland - he leads people down into a crazy world that changes them completely. The giant watch he's carrying represents both these themes and the fact that time ticks ever onwards, you can't look back, you can't change anything. The Seal of Rassilon in the centre of his chest is actually another clock that would open up in the middle of the boss battle to reveal a black hole that deals MASSIVE DAMAGE - represents how he draws people in and then destroys them.

Level: 85

Elemental Resistance:
Resist: None

Block: None

Absorb: Almighty

Reflect: None

Weak: Non

His moveset is:

Sonic Punch
Fatal End
Atom Smasher
Life Drain
Spirit Drain
Primal Force
Black Viper

In battle, he’ll start off with Debilitate, and then use Sonic Punch, Fatal End and Atom Smasher. After he’s taken a little bit of damage, he’ll start unleashing his Almighty attacks Life Drain and Spirit Drain, and he’ll keep using those for the rest of the battle. After he’s taken more damage, he’ll start to use Primal Force and Black Viper, so make sure you keep healing the party and restoring SP, because he has no weaknesses. :|b Your best bet is just to keep wearing him down with all you’ve got and wait for him to wear himself out with all of those physical attacks.


Name: Time, who along with Death and Pain is one of the three main Menti Celesti of Gallifreyan religion. According to some of the spin-off media, the Doctor is Time’s champion, so it’s only fitting that she should be his persona.

She appears as a woman - but all that’s possible to make out about her is that she looks exactly how the Time Vortex would if you compressed it into a woman’s shape.
Inheritance: Almighty, Recovery
Elemental Resistance:
Resist: None

Block: None

Absorb: Almighty

Reflect: None

Weak: None

The Tower is a physical-based arcana, but in keeping with who and what Ten is, his persona specializes more in Recovery and Almighty abilities:

Sonic Punch
Me Patra
Morning Star

He’ll mostly heal the party and keep you guys healthy, but his Debilitate ability will help lower the enemy’s defences a bit, and he has two powerful Almighty spells at his disposal, so he can definitely hold his own in battle for a bit.

ooc, i am thou thou art i

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