I know we all have regulars, and I know we all have idiots, but how many experience idiots as regulars? I'm not talking about minor little quirks, but absolutely ridiculous people you just want to smack upside the head and throw out the door the second you see them walk in or hear their voice at the speaker.
There's one lady we've dubbed the "Black Widow" and/or "Grim Reaper", which is shallow and pretty mean but the days managers came up with that. Reason being she's pretty thin and her face is a bit sunken in and she wears traditional Ethiopian clothing with the headdress and all, plus she's got a very hoarse voice. Anyway, she's in everyday and we all have to tell each other about it when she comes/rant to each other/get pity from each other. She's alright when she comes in alone with money in hand, but the odd time she'll order 10+ items and while we make it all, she digs for her money and then says she doesn't have ANY. She has a *LOT* of trouble ordering, deciding what she wants, explaining what she wants, and then there are the days she brings her children. Oh, her children. She's got like, four boys that play tag in the store and go apeshit for brownies, so they buy them all and mother and children argue about what size iced capp they're allowed to get, and they butt in line after they've ordered, continue to return and order one item after another for ten to twenty minutes after their initial order.
Sometimes she comes through drive thru in the back of a taxi, but it's much more convenient to deal with in drive thru save for her dozen donuts order where she names/describes them with great difficulty over a span of five minutes.
Another lady we get, we feel kind of bad for. She drives a van into drive thru and usually comes in on afternoons and she's pretty old. She doesn't use the gas pedal at all when she gets into drive thru, and our drive thru lane is pretty long so she's got some way to go... She'll get to the speaker but be some twenty feet away and try horribly to maneuver her van to get closer, and as if that doesn't take long enough, she sits at the speaker and although she orders basically the same thing every night, she's always confused. Asking about iced capps, features, what kind of donuts, cookies, muffins, timbits, etc. we have. Then she'll move onto soups. She could have a $30 order and we'd have it all at the window before she gets there after her ten minute long order and three minute long drive to the window. Sometimes she'll spill stuff or drop stuff. Sometimes we'll get lucky. Often times we don't get lucky when she drops her money or has to forage for it. When she finally loads everything into the van and gets her change and all, quits talking to the people at the window (it's like talking to socially deprived people in an awkward line up, but the line up is behind her and you have the option to rudely shut the window in her face - but we feel bad doing that to an old lady), she 2km/h cruises her way almost directly forward to park crookedly in a parking spot, but she doesn't switch gears. She sits there and holds the breaks for the next twenty minutes before she takes five minutes to back out and leave. My favourite afternoon manager always talks about how her being at counter would be no better, because she's probably as slow on her feet as she looks, which is likely as slow as she is in a van.
Another lady we get everyday has been changing her order; either that, or returning once or twice every shift. She'll get a black coffee with sweeteners and a breakfast sandwich or an iced capp. Last year, she brought her little ornery dog with her in the car. She's a very nice lady and all, but the kicker here is that her dog was horribly vicious and would scream and growl until it saw the iced capp (her exact order is: a large iced capp with very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY little cream - we usually cut her off and send her straight to the window when we hear the beginning), then she would bring it into the cup holder and let the dog lap out of it. I'm no vet, but as far as I know, caffeine is pretty toxic to dogs and that java with so very little cream, and dogs being lactose intolerant to begin with... well, no one was surprised when the dog stopped coming. I learned today that she's getting another puppy and it was born today. She gets her in eight weeks, and I can only pray and hope that dog gets a timbit instead of that disgusting iced capp everyday. (And can we say ew? Dogs lick their asses and she shares and iced capp with one?)