Since you cant copy pictures from pdf files.... and i dont have a screenshot program...
i had to print this off, take a picture, and load the picture onto photobucket. lol
but its frightening.
i should show you guys some more pictures too.
this is Ecuador
i take that top part back... and i know now how to use acrobat
Ecuador deforestation is
So the black part used to be forested. The rest has been burned and such for agriculture
Here's what I was talking about the other day re fish populations. Again this is pretty self explanitory.
On the left we have years ago... red being where fish were most abundant. And on the right is today.
I think you can understand why fishermen in the East are all going broke.
Finally here's another one close to home. Beautiful Vancouver Island 100 yrs ago almost totally covered in old growth forest (dark green)
And now it's all been logged and is pitiful unprotected 2nd growth forest (yellow)
I feel... depressed. If you want to see more pictures like these, tell me.
There's lots... and lots... and lots. And lots.