Changing Room Orlando Bloom/Jared Leto

Sep 25, 2006 22:56

Title: Changing Room
Auther: Timour
Rating: NC-17?
Fandom(s): RPS
Pairing: Jared Leto/? Its a nice one, i promise
Disclaimer: This is all made up. I swear, this never happened, i make no money and mean no harm.
Summary: PWP...after a gig Jared has a nice surprise
Warnings: PWP
Author's Notes: An apology piece, hot of the presses and un-beta-d

Jared didn’t notice the dark chocolate eyes gazing at him intently. But then hundreds of eyes where on him, watching his very move, his every expression as he half sang, half growled the last lines of their encore.

“I’ve got to remember this is just a game
So beautiful, beautiful…”

As the last strains of the music where drowned out by the cheering Jared bowed and stalked off stage, his coal ringed blue eyes and red lips smiling. It had been a great night, a great crowd and his blood felt like it was on fire.

The brown eyes watched the smile play along blood red lips. He had to be wearing lipstick, no ones lips where that red, but then considering all the more obvious makeup he could see he wouldn’t put it past the beauty he had come to see.

Squeezing through the crowds the man was unobtrusive, dressed in black jeans and a black shirt he looked plain next to the fans pressed body to body. His hat pulled down low over his face he was glad that the simplicity of his dress prevented him from even being noticed, he wanted to be invisible for just a little longer.

Reaching the door that led back stage he lent over and spoke briefly to one of the guards lifting his hat slightly and pushing thick curls from his face he graced the man with a smile and the door was opened for him.


Jared sat on one of the stalls that ran along the changing rooms’ mirror. It was a decent venue and the changing room was well set up. The large, waist high bar had more than enough room for makeup, clothes and all the other things that ended up strewn across backrooms in venues around the world.

The last to use the shower tonight Jared was still dressed and made-up for the show when the others where ready to go and come down from the high the night had caused.

Waving to them as he grabbed his towel and moved towards the small cubical Jared told them he would catch up. Disappearing he didn’t hear the door close nor it open again and a stranger slipping in quietly not a minute later.

Stepping out and wrapping the towel around his slim hips Jared walked out of the small bathroom and stopped dead in the doorway. A stranger was standing, back to him, in the center of the room.

“Who the fuck are you?” Jared started to say but stopped as the man turned he knew who the he was.
“Jared, I’ve heard great things about you.” The man spoke, soft English accent slipping past thin but perfect lips.

“Orlando fucking Bloom.”

“It’s just Orlando actually.”

“Yeah, right.” Jared said looking the other man over. He wouldn’t have taken him as a 30 Seconds to Mars fan from the little he knew about him, and now, even knowing that he must have come to the gig, he still didn’t think he was one. He hadn’t even bothered to look the part, black clothes aside.

Jared moved the rest of the way into the room, trying not to be too unnerved by the eyes that followed him. He moved over to the sofas a few feet from Orlando and reached for his clean clothes.
Realizing that Orlando seemed disinclined to explain his presence Jared frowned and looked at the man in front of him. Orlando smiled back, his eyes never leaving Jared.

“So, what you doing here, you don’t really seem the 30 Seconds to Mars type.”

Smile widening Orlando moved closer and Jared realized it was the first time the man had moved a muscle since he’d turned around.
It was slightly disconcerting really, he’s always assumed, from the few films he’d seen of Blooms and the few interviews he’d caught that the man would be a ball of energy and yet he seemed cool and collected, centered and intense.

“I’m not really, though the show was great. You’ve a great voice. Seems a shame to shout all the time.”

Jared could feel all the hairs on his neck standing on end and he didn’t think it had anything to do with the fact that he was only wearing his towel.
“Well, urr, thanks, you’d probably prefer the acoustic stuff we do if you think I’m shouting.”

Jared waited but the silence just stretched out between them again. Realizing that Bloom still hadn’t told him why he was here and wanting to get dressed, cleaned up and join his friends and brother Jared decided to try one more time.

“So, its great meeting you, but I’ve got to join the others and…”

Jared trailed off, Orlando had stepped closer and he could feel the heat coming off the other man.

“I saw them in the hall, the drummer, you brother I think, said to tell you to take as long as you wanted.”

Smiling slightly again Orlando reached out a brushed his fingers down Jared’s arm. “I think he thought you might see me and decide to fuck me.” He whispered against Jared’s ear.

Jared realized he was blushing about the same time he realized he was getting hard.

“But the thing is you see, you’re not going to.” Orlando’s voice continued to caress his senses and Jared tried to find a reason to move away. “No, I didn’t come all this way to let you fuck me, rather…”

And here Orlando paused and moved back just slightly, his hands snaking around Jared and resting on his arse, his dark eyes meeting brilliant blue,

“Rather to fuck you.”

Now Jared had a reason to move away. He didn’t get fucked, he didn’t bottom.

“Look Orlando, I’m going to meet my brother and…”

He didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence as Orlando’s lips crashed against his, biting hard on his lower lip and forcing a moan, his tongue demanding entry.

He pulled back as suddenly as he had come and Jared reeled at the loss.

Studying him Orlando moved away entirely, turning towards the door.

“Well, then I should leave you and I am sorry for inconveniencing you. If I see Brad I shall tell him you are well, he speaks highly of you. It was nice meeting you.”

Orlando had reached the door as he spoke and Jared only just had time to recognize he was leaving through the haze of lust Orlando’s kiss had caused.

Quickly making up his mind, Jared stepped forward slightly.

“Wait Orlando.”

Turning back to Jared Orlando paused at the door.


“I, don’t leave.”

“Why would I stay? You obviously don’t think you bottom and I know I don’t. Not for you anyway. As I said, I came here to fuck you.”

The presumption got to Jared, annoyed him enough to get past his sudden desire to feel Orlando’s hands on him again.

“Big assumption to make, that I’d be interested.” Jared allowed his annoyance to seep into his tone “Think a lot of yourself don’t you.”

“Not really, no. I said I came to fuck, not that I thought you’d allow or even want me to. I might have left if not for your brothers hints. I like a challenge and someone as perfect for bottoming as you thinking they top, well…”

Trailing off Orlando racked his eyes over Jared’s toweled form.

“Again though, I’d have to ask why I’d stay when you obviously aren’t interested. I promise you have not hope in convincing me to allow you to fuck me Jared. No hope at all.”

Waiting in silence, Orlando once more kept his calm, assessing gaze fixed on Jared. It seemed to Jared that he could feel it all over his body.

Glancing away and back quickly Jared found he believed Orlando, he also found for the first time in he didn’t know how many years that he didn’t care. Oh, he preferred to top but right now he just wanted Orlando to kiss him again.

“Fine,” he growled, though this time not from annoyance.

That one word was enough to keep Orlando from the door. The man took two steps into the room before freezing and tilting his head slightly as though considering something.

Meeting Orlando’s eye Jared tried to appear more confident than he suddenly felt. “I think,” Orlando spoke quietly, “I think you should drop the towel.”

Eyes widening slightly Jared’s hand gripped his towel tighter.

Orlando’s eyebrow rose fractional and once more he turned to go.

This time Jared didn’t say anything, simply dropping the towel. The soft noise of it hitting the floor seemed deafening to Jared, far louder than anything during the gig. Orlando seemed to hear it because he turned once more and raked his gaze across Jared’s revealed body.

“Aren’t you going to und…” Jared’s question was interrupted as Orlando once more slammed their mouths together. Freezing for only a second Jared melted against the other mans body and his mouth opened for him, allowing him entrance.

He could feel Orlando’s hand roughly dragging across his back, half stroking, half scratching him. Every sense felt like it as on fire. He could feel his penis pushed up against Orlando’s hip. He was surrounded, Orlando’s mouth, hands, sent coving and consuming him.

He didn’t notice Orlando pull away from his lips, so his voice, husky and filled with promise whispering against his ear came as a surprise.

“Have you any idea the things I want to do to you, every story I heard, every film I saw, every interview, every TV performance. I came here just to see, to see if you where as beautiful as you seemed. I’m going to fuck you Jared, I’m going to bend you and twist you and take you and you are going to love every moment of it.”

As he spoke he his hands cupped Jared’s arse, pulling him even closer.

His teeth scrapped down Jared’s neck. His nails along his stomach.

Jared could feel himself shaking. He felt like he might burst. His skin hummed.

He pulled at Orlando’s shirt, his hands finding their way underneath it and he felt Orlando purr into their kiss.

Suddenly Orlando was gone and Jared watched at he pulled his shirt off and unbuckled his belt.

“Bend over the make-up counter.” His voice sounded breathless, as though they’d been kissing for hours and as he positioned himself over the counter Jared realized they may well have been for all he knew. It certainly felt like it.

Watching Orlando in the mirror he saw the man slip out of his trousers and move towards him sucking on one of his fingers.

“You see Jared, I’m really not that presumptuous, I didn’t even bring lube.”

Jared heard the slightly mocking tone as Orlando’s free hand pushed his arse cheeks apart and he forced his finger deep into Jared hole. Stabbing almost cruelly Orlando quickly added a second, scissoring Jared.

Suddenly the fingers where gone and Jared had to bite back a whimper at the loss.

Orlando’s hands grabbed his hips and he smiled at Jared in the mirror.
“Look at yourself, watch me take you Jared.” Orlando ordered before slamming home.

Jared turned his eyes to the mirror and his breath caught in his throat.

Blue eyes met him, makeup still visible around his eyes, smudged from the shower and Orlando’s attention. The beauty of the man behind him, tanned complexion next to Jared’s currently pale skin. Fingers pressed harshly in shapely hips.

And then Orlando started to move, his pace relentless, doing exactly as he’d promised. Bending over slightly and angling his thrusts he hit Jared’s prostate again and again. Jared shook, his legs spread, his senses in over drive, his eyes fixed on the mirror.

He watched Orlando throw his head back at the same time he felt his stomach tighten, the other mans body eat seemed to burn into his skin everywhere he touched him, fingers, hips, legs, crotch.

Jared could feel his orgasm building, his balls tightening. He could see Orlando try to keep his rhythm, and then they where shaking, coming together, muscles clenching, moans filling the room.

Jared body collapsed against the counter, his eyes closing and head resting against the mirror. Breathing deeply.

He felt Orlando pull out, felt him move away. And then he was back, leaning over Jared, his voice once more whispering in his ear.

“If you ever want more, just come and find me.

orlando/jared rps

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