yes. sorry about the confusion and me trying to fight this. the bottom line,i did what you heard, i made-out with kim and yes she was drunk probably far more intoxicated then me.i realized what i did was awful once i had think about it. so i caved, i hope the cleared up all you wanted to know.
Niiiiiick.I know you better than that.Honestly. Do you think that I'd really think that you'd never even thought about it,and didn't feel 'bad' about it...Actually,I did think that,but anyhow. It just didn't seem like you to do that and that's why I was all mad,I wasnt even mad,I was just kind of wierded out by it all. Everything has been wierd with everyone lately and I just figured...ah nevermind,Im just digging a hole here.So,I suppose it should just be dropped and everythings cool. cheers
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