[19:57] Roman: omg i just got about 10000x wealthier because some super wealthy person promised 100 billion "food" to the first person to say "stephen sux". Guess who was the first
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If anyone reading this is or knows someone who is interested in graph theory, I am very keen on finding a proof or a counter-example for the following conjecture:Take an arbitrary graph with unweighted, undirected edges. Define the "distance" between two nodes as the length of the shortest path between them
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TableLayoutPanel MyTable = new TableLayoutPanel(); MyTable.ColumnCount = 2; MyTable.ColumnStyles[0].SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; MyTable.ColumnStyles[1].SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; // last line triggers index out of bounds exception! WTF!!
I have discovered something intriguing about German verbs just now.
I can think of only three verbs that use the prefix emp-. Those are empfangen, empfehlen and empfinden. All three of them exist as separate verbs without the prefix: fangen, fehlen and finden.
fangen is a strong verb, and empfangen follows its morphology exactly:fangenempfangen
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Those of you who have used DOS a long long time ago, may remember the command-line utility chkdsk, which in fact still exists in Windows today
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