Player Name: Sam
Player Age: 24
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AIM: sammyk1313
Character Name: Tina Cohen-Chang
Age: 15
General Background: Tina is currently in the 10th grade at WMHS. Though she doesn’t particularly excel at school work, with the exception of art and music class, she studies hard enough to pull off a B average and that’s good enough for her. She’s shy, often choosing to hold her tongue and sit back while those around her stand in the spotlight but this doesn’t necessarily mean that she lets everyone walk all over her. When need be, she knows how to, and does, defend herself and the people she loves.
Tina lost her mother at the age of seven and since then it’s just been her, her dad, Efram Cohen, and her little brother, Joey. Tina has always been shy but it wasn’t until middle school that she was really faced with the problems that being shy created. In her small elementary school, Tina had been the girl who’d lost her mother and the other kids and the teachers had tended to tiptoe around her. When she entered middle school, however, she was faced with a slew of new people who didn’t know anything about her and who weren’t as willing to just let her be. As a way of hiding, Tina started faking a stutter at school, which actually worked well enough at alienating the other students, with a few exceptions, but her father eventually figured out what was going on and so, by the time she entered high school, Tina had dropped the stutter. Of course, without a stutter to hide behind, Tina felt entirely too vulnerable and started using her wardrobe as a method of hiding herself.