
Apr 28, 2006 10:28

Gloria Steinem: if it has a dick, it's a dick.
Gloria Steinem: we need to let dicks stop fucking us (over)
Gloria Steinem: tell the cock to take a walk
Betty Friedan: we're one step away from full blown ugly, shaved head, hairy feminist shit right here
Betty Friedan: tori amos would be proud
Gloria Steinem: peace love and a hard cock?
Betty Friedan: how about peace love and a vibrator
Gloria Steinem: so i have a story of women's empowerment for you
Gloria Steinem: i was messing around with this guy
Gloria Steinem: and the tv was on, and i was getting bored
Gloria Steinem: so i stopped what i was doing and started watching the tv (Fox news)
Betty Friedan: YES
Gloria Steinem: and then he goes "keep doing what you were doing"
Gloria Steinem: and i go "no thanks"
Gloria Steinem: "you know how to jerk off, right?"
Betty Friedan: I LOVE YOU
Gloria Steinem: i love you
Betty Friedan: i love YOU
Gloria Steinem: :-*
Betty Friedan: we're just sooooo in LUUVVVV
Gloria Steinem: BELIEVE ME BABY
Gloria Steinem: it's only you
Gloria Steinem: until tomorrow
Betty Friedan: hahaha it better be
Gloria Steinem: it is
Gloria Steinem: now suck my dick
Betty Friedan: only if i get to watch fox while doing it
Gloria Steinem: hahahaha
Gloria Steinem: this is how i know i'm brainwashed by a patriarchal society or whatever
Gloria Steinem: i thought it was so sweet when he asked if he could come in my mouth
Gloria Steinem: if that's not respect, i don't know what is
Betty Friedan: AHAHAHAHAh
Gloria Steinem: anyway then i unleashed the whole feminist rant
Gloria Steinem: how men imprison our sexuality so they can be assured of a fuck every night
Gloria Steinem: and he was like
Gloria Steinem: "well, there have to be roles"
Betty Friedan: what a prick
Gloria Steinem: its like
Gloria Steinem: why dont YOU try my role
Gloria Steinem: let's trade for a day and then YOU try getting off
Betty Friedan: it was amazing how HE could be like "you make yourself into an object"!#@%
Betty Friedan: how about you treat me like one
Betty Friedan: in NO POSITION to tell me i "make myself" an object
Betty Friedan: you do it to yourself!#$#
Betty Friedan: or you are a fuckign SLUT
Betty Friedan: go fuck some more sluts you fucking slut
Betty Friedan: then tell me about cheapening myself
Betty Friedan: theyre the sluts
Betty Friedan: he's just EXPLOITING IT
Gloria Steinem: yeah, social irresponsibility much? Self-absorption?
Gloria Steinem: it's not his responsibility to change things that he's not a part of
Gloria Steinem: YOU CHANGE
Gloria Steinem: HE'S HUMAN
Betty Friedan: i know
Gloria Steinem: AND HUMANS FUCK
Gloria Steinem: ALL THE TIME
Gloria Steinem: EVERYONE
Gloria Steinem: ...only if they have a dick
Betty Friedan: this is all my fault
Gloria Steinem: why
Betty Friedan: haha
Betty Friedan: well
Gloria Steinem: hahahaha
Betty Friedan: hahaha
Gloria Steinem: wait
Gloria Steinem: you were joking right
Betty Friedan: kidn of hahahahahaha
Betty Friedan: no it's not my fault he's a prick
Betty Friedan: he's just a prick
Betty Friedan: but i got myself into this
Gloria Steinem: thats like
Gloria Steinem: goign to the grocery store cause you're starving
Gloria Steinem: and then being like
Gloria Steinem: shit these nuts made me throw up
Gloria Steinem: because they're rotten
Gloria Steinem: it's not your fault you're starving
Gloria Steinem: and you picked the tastiest looking thing
Gloria Steinem: it's the supermarket's fault for selling bad nuts
Betty Friedan: i need a cigarette
Gloria Steinem: smoking also contributes to the patriarchal society
Gloria Steinem: O CANADA
Gloria Steinem: i mean, is there life on mars?
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