Thought perhaps one or two of you might be interested in this:
Call for Papers
American Studies Symposium: "Critical American Studies: Examining the Intersections of Race, Class and Gender"
Purdue University • West Lafayette, IN
April 17-18, 2008
Submission Deadline: January 13, 2008
The American Studies Program at Purdue University announces its 33rd annual Symposium to be held April 17-18, 2008 with special keynote speakers Professor Maria Matsuda of Georgetown University and Professor Cheryl Harris of UCLA. This event is organized by graduate students and focuses on the presentation of graduate student work. In acknowledging the importance of interdisciplinary studies, the Symposium Committee invites papers from students of all disciplines to engage the theme "Critical American Studies: Examining the Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender".
Possible proposal topics from interdisciplinary perspectives include, but are not limited to:
Critical Race Theory
Gender, Queer Theory & Sexuality Studies
Performance Studies
Ethnic Studies
Cultural Studies
Education and Pedagogy Studies
Film, Television & Media Studies
Popular Culture Studies
Literary Studies
Religious Studies
Performance Art
Spoken Word Poetry
Independent Films
The Symposium Committee invites all those interested to submit 250-500 word abstracts for panels, individual papers, workshops, and performances no later than January 13, 2008. Please also submit a biography of no more than 100 words, along with your contact information, especially your email address, and a list of any audio and/or visual equipment necessary for presentation. Submissions may be made electronically to Kendra Unruh at or to Heidi Freeman at 100 University Street, Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education, Room 1289, West Lafayette, IN 47906. All letters must be postmarked no later than January 13, 2008.
I dunno... something to think about, yes? If you submit and get accepted, flights are dirt cheap to Indianapolis ($150 round trip last time I checked), and you've got a free place to stay. Plus, you can check out the program while you're here (*wink wink*). Just thought I'd pass it on...