Title: Ambivalence Author: tinafeynatic Characters: Tina Fey Rating: G Word count: ~295 Summary: Tina doesn't not like the interweb A/N: This is my first attempt at a fanfiction, please have mercy!
Hahaha. Ambivalence towards the interweb? You have a very good point! lol. This was delightful. :) Hey, aren't people in the tina-fey.org forum arranging a fanfic challenge thing? Why don't you write for that? You seem to be a good writer. :)
Haha, this is cute! It's never ocurred to me to write a fic with Tina in it =) I wonder if her or the other writers have ever read a 30 rock fanfic, particularly the Livejournal community, lol!
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