who liks to party? me!!!

Jan 18, 2006 01:01

hi everyone!!

it's mozart's 250th birthday soon and you know what that means..... i'll be 20 in less than 2 weeks!!!!

thank you jamie, lynne, and mary for an amazing weekend. thank you kelsey for the really saweet b-day presents :)

there is an orchestra concert jan. 26th & 29th. then i'm 20 the 31st. good month!


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Comments 10

another_amanda January 18 2006, 13:40:24 UTC
Happy birthday!


tinazacolada January 19 2006, 16:38:21 UTC
thank you amanda :)


viva_la_boheme January 18 2006, 18:15:39 UTC
Everyone loves Mozart! woo hoo!

I go to music school.


philotic_net January 18 2006, 18:34:15 UTC
You familiar...
Like your dead girlfriend?


viva_la_boheme January 18 2006, 22:45:04 UTC
Only when you smile. But I'm sure I've seen you somewhere else.


tinazacolada January 19 2006, 16:46:55 UTC
do you go to the cat scratch club? that's where i work, i dance.


trippinjennys January 19 2006, 18:28:37 UTC
Yess.... they used to tie you up!


hottbrownsugar January 20 2006, 15:19:53 UTC
it's a living


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