man. I have been having the strangest dreams.
two nights ago, I was on this strange island, or perhaps it was just a cliff by the sea. or wait no, there was a river. I can't remember much. it was almost like I was at some swanky house in White Rock or something, the beautiful ones that I always want. except it was on a cliff, and they had a racetrack in their backyard as well as a giant courtyard and tons of nice trees. I wasn't there yet though, I was in a dumpy small house beside it, so I jumped a bit off the cliff and climbed up onto the other side, and all of a sudden I was in one of those levels in Zelda where you have to sneak around the guards because you lost your sword. so I was in this weird backyard, and then there were peacocks. it was like the island that they have in that one Simpsons episode where they spoof the Prisoner, I think. with the koalas wearing masquerade masks and the drugs.
so I was sneaking around, but I suddenly realized that I should not have been there. so logically, I decided to jump of the cliff into the river, except the river was frozen. I ended up breaking some ice, trying to grab onto something, but being pulled under. then this showed up:
because I play too many video games, and apparently not very well.
so that ended that dream. I'm terrified of drowning but I was totally chill with it in the dream because I could just start back up from the typewriter. no big deal. just like real life.
last night's dream was great though. I was at some sort of mansion based around a pool in the middle, and tons of people I know were there but I can't remember who anymore. there was a party going on and Hayden Christensen was there. but like this version:
along with 9th grade memories~
and I obviously attempted to chat him up. he was drunk though, even though no one else was, so cool story bro. and then he started to call me Padme a ton, and I was swooning, and I asked him to hold me like he did by the rocks on Naboo (but seriously not actually). I was laughing and then he was like "Padme played my mom" and I was like "honey... no." but he was convinced that Padme was Anakin's mom. then I think I woke up.
I don't know what it is. they just keep getting weirder every night.