Thank you thank you thank you sooo much Marji-chan (sakitoe) for new layout! I llllllove it~ <3 (even though you still need to fix it a little bit ^^ Gomen...)
Päätin pari viikkoa sitten, että meen takasin japanin tunneille. Alkaa pikkuhiljaa ärsyttää, kun ei enää yksinkertasia asioita muista.. >__Mut eiköhän se sit taas tästä lähe, ku saa vähän tuntumaa. Vika kurssipäivä jää käymättä, ku sillo ollaa jo Japanissa, mut mikäs siinä. Mielummin siellä, ku tunnilla xD
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I'm just so God damned shocked that this kind of shit can happen in Finland. I just... I can't understand it! I understand the pain, all that misery and loneliness, but murders? No! You won't do that to others!! If you wanna kill yourself then go some fucking forest, pull the trigger and die alone! But don't kill innocent people. That's not their
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Weird... I have nothing to say x'D I feel like I wanna say soo many things, but still... there is so many things I can't or don't want to say. I know this doesn't make any sence. I just feel empty inside. Something's missing..