Should've Known I was Weaker from the Start - Masterpost (Big Bang)

Aug 14, 2013 01:08

fandom: merlin

rating: r/m

word count: ~32k

category: slash, het; pairing(s): merlin/arthur, arthur/gwen, various other background pairings (such as merlin/gwaine, arthur/percival, morgana/leon etc)

characters: arthur pendragon, merlin, morgana, gwen, gaius, freya, percival, lancelot, leon, gwaine, uther pendragon, elena, ygraine, elyan, mithian

genre: modern au, character study, developing relationship, dysfunctional family, friendship, university au, angst, hurt/comfort

warnings: infidelity and adultery, permanent injury, very loose grasp on the truth, trauma, implied abuse of alcohol and recreational use of light drugs, insecurity, massive amounts of guilt, some psychological trauma, inexplicit sexual content

disclaimer: don't own anything, don't make any money from this, you know the drill.

summary: Arthur is a guilt-ridden paraplegic who doesn't know how to do relationships, until he meets Merlin while they're both attending university, and his life changes. At least until they go their separate ways.

Years later, they run into each other again and things aren't going quite according to anyone's plan.

| 1a | 1b | 2 | 3 | 4 |
prequel: lj | ao3

a/n: wow that summary sounds really cheerful (if you're looking for cheerful, run)

title(s) from mumford and sons' song babel

okay, so, this is me cutting it close on one more fic fest so what's new about that but anyway, this story is part of a series - you don't need to have read the first part in order to follow this one, but it would preferable. also following my (intentional) switches between tenses (that follow switches between story lines shhhh run with it) might confuse you in the beginning but it will get clearer with time, i promise (i think)

there are some thanks in order, i believe: first and foremost to everyone who made this ficathon happen in the first place (we love you the_muppet); to my lovely artist dahlia94 who, i believe, hates me now after having worked with me, but has nonetheless created some awesome art that y'all should totally check out; to my beta and awesomest friend in the world, kay, because she's just the best ever; to aino, who has figured out a method to make me write, bless her; and last but not least, to everyone else to whom i've bitched and complained over the past months for dealing with me (alexa, mims, jacqui, heidi, beth and everyone else i'm forgetting right now)

sorry about the ending, i'm working on it (this'll all be clear in due time)

i... think that's it??? i'll see you all when i change my mind lmao

feedback is always appreciated ^.^

warnings: other, genre: modern!au, category: het, character: ofc, warnings: minor character death, character: freya, genre: angst, pairing: arthur/gwen, rating: r, genre: au, genre: character study, genre: pre-slash, warnings: permanent injury, genre: developing relationship, pairing: various/other, character: morgana, genre: friendship, big bang: fic, character: gaius, character: arthur pendragon, character: merlin, genre: uni!au, genre: family, character: guinevere, character: uther pendragon, warnings: sexual content, word count: 30000-35000, series: the walls of my town..., pairing: arthur/merlin, character: gwaine, character: lancelot, category: slash, fanfiction: merlin, genre: hurt/comfort, character: other/various, author: tink_sky_reid

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