01. I have a cell phone.
02. I'm obsessed with new things.
03. I'm the youngest child.
04. I am a shopoholic.
05. I love my gauged earrings.
06. I love wearing black eyeliner.
07. I love Daiquiris.
08. I love the weekends.
09. I can't live without lip gloss.
10. I can't live without music.
11. I lived in Tahoe.
12. I spend money I have.
13. I'll be in college for over 4 years.
14. I love designer handbags (Coach, Burberry, Louis Vuitton).
15. I get annoyed easily.
16. I eventually want kids.
17. I love the Backstreet Boys.
18. I have more than a couple horrible memories.
19. I'm addicted to Degrassi.
20. I am a person.
21. My first kiss was unexpected.
22. I start school on Jan 4th or 5th.
23. I love taking pictures.
24. I hate girls who are fake.
25. I can be mean when I want to.
26. My dreams are bizarre.
27. I am bisexual.
28. I have way too many pairs shoes.
29. I've seen She's all That at least 50 times.
30. I dress how I feel that day.
31. I love Charmed.
32. Sometimes I cry for almost no reason.
33. I hate when people are ridiculously late.
35. Winter is my favorite season.
36. I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
37. I love to sleep.
38. I wish I was smarter.
39. I am the hottest bachelor.
40. I have a lot of drama.
41. No one knows my full story of my life.
42. I love my hair.
43. I sometimes fight with my parents.
44. I love the beach.
45. I have had the chicken pox.
46. I'm excited for the future.
47. I can't control my emotions.
48. I can't wait till New Year's.
49. I love the show 'Rich Girls'.
50. I love my friends.
51. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
52. I can be very insecure sometimes.
53. I have had a broken bone.
54. I hate ignorant people.
55. I love my laptop.
56. I love guys that play the guitar.
57. I state the obvious.
58. I'm a happy person.
59. I love to dance.
60. I love to sing.
61. I hate cleaning my room.
62. I tend to get jealous very easily.
63. I like to play video games.
64. I love John Mayer.
65. I hate when I see animals/people getting hurt/abused.
66. I'm a vegetarian/vegan/don't eat beef.
67. I don't like to study for tests.
68. I love playdoh.
69. I am too forgiving.
70. I have a good sense of direction.
71. I love high school.
72. I have a talent of sweet talking my way out of things.
73. I don't drink enough to get drunk.
74. I love kisses on the forehead.
75. I love the color blue.
76. I don't sew.
77. I am not addicted to drugs.
78. I love the Olsen twins.
79. I'm gonna try out for the softball team.
80. I become stressed easily.
81. I hate liars.
82. I like comfy sweat pants.(sweat pants meaning PJs.)
83. Bam Margera is AWESOME.
84. I love the smell of fresh laundry.
85. I love my family.
86. I don't mind getting shots.
87. I am a perfectionist when it comes to certain things.
88. I always wanted to learn to play the drums.
89. I hate the feeling of failure.
90. I am still a virgin.
91. I would love to have my own fashion line.
92. I can be quite selfish.
93. I still act like a little kid sometimes.
94. Above all, I despise dishonesty.
95. I can stay on the computer forever.
96. I love music.
97. I wish I was more motivated when it comes to school.
98. I love getting stuff in the mail.
99. I have problems letting go of people.
100. I hate the feeling of being alone.
101. My hair is still its natural color.
102. I have yet to lose my phone-virginity.
103. I get annoyed when I don't get to finish telling a story.
104. I like to wear pink.
105. Sometimes I wish I could do something really, really amazingly well.
106. I drink a lot of water.
107. I've never taken a hit of a cigarette.
108. I like music boys.
109. I'm such a health freak.
110. I love taking pictures.
111. I have really tiny wrists.
112. I can identify some close friends by smell.
113. I'm far too nice.
114. I hate when people confuse "your" and "you're".
115. I think dorkiness is attractive.
116. I've never had a fake screen name.
117. I wish I had a pug. -but I wouldn't trade my puppy for anything
118. I miss middle school.
119. I have pretty good eating habits.
120. I have a hard time making up my mind sometimes.
121. I wish my hair naturally curled.
122. I can't live without chapstick.
123. I wish I could sing.
124. I like classical music.
125. Striped pants are hot.
126. I think Schylar is a really cool name.
127. I usually don't get sarcasm.
128. I wish I could look in a mirror and constantly be satisfied with myself.
129. I shift between being sleepy and awake when I'm really tired.
130. I hardly ever vacuum.
131. I hate racism and nazis.
132. I want someone to hold me.
133. I like watermelon flavored things.
134. I'm a snob about grammar.
135. I am a terrible liar.
136. Axe deodorant smells WONDERFUL.
137. I wish I knew how to speak in Italian.
138. I kissed a member of the opposite sex when I was in kindergarten.
139. I am learning to be happy wherever I am.
140. I have no idea what my school musical is about.
141. I appreciate honesty.
142. I need a manicure.
143. I love Dr. Pepper.
144. I twirl my hair.
145. I love kissing.
146. I don't own a cell phone.
147. I want to learn to play harp.
148. I'm not old enough to vote.
149. I live in the past far too much.
150. I need to remember to be a teenager sometimes.
151. I want to see most of the world.
152. Sometimes I wonder what's going on over in London.
153. I hate being lied to unnecessarily.
154. I believe in a thing called love.
155. I go shopping usually once a week.
156. Today is Wednesday.
157. I've read more than a 100 books.
158. I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
159. I like feet.
160. I like getting compliments.
161. I want the world to see me.
162. I think it's funny when girls wear so much makeup that their faces become incandescent.
163. I hate seeing kids that think they're different because they like Slipknot and shop at Hot Topic.
164. I have a fear of wearing too much perfume.
165. I wear pants more than I wear shorts.
166. I am tactful most of the time.
167. I'm afraid of spiders.
168. I get too attached to some people.
169. I'm usually on time.
170. I forgive but I don't forget.
171. I think way too much for my own good.
172. My current relationship is teaching me a lot.
173. I like salads from McDonalds.
174. I read for at least two hours every night before bed.
175. I talk to a lot of people I don't like because I hate being rude.
176. I talk to myself in the shower.
177. Laughing turns me on.
178. I wish I were asleep.
179. I love reeses peanut butter cups.
180. I never have enough energy to do what I'm doing.
181. I have a friend who has an outtie bellybutton.
182. I have driven a car.
183. There is no nail polish on my nails.
184. I am unafraid to change, but I don't think I realize the boundary between change and utter transformation.
185. I wear brown, thin-rimmed glasses.
186. Goodbyes make me sad.
187. Cold Stone is so much better than Baskin Robbins
188. I love cuddling.
189. I run when I'm bored.
190. I wish I were more attractive to others.
191. I worry too much sometimes about what people think.
192. I'm a billion times better than I was in junior high school.
193. Compliments make me happy.
194. I like long car rides with certain people.
195. I hate when people incorrectly label me.
196. I wonder a lot who I'm going to end up marrying.
197. I listen to the things no one else cares about.
198. I can't draw from imagination.
199. TyPiNg LIeK diS anNoyes mEeeh.
200. This took too long.