a rant about christmas

Dec 04, 2005 21:41

Jon asked me why I liked Christymas so much. and i didn't really know. until i thought about it.

if you don't want to read a rant, i would not suggest reading.

every other holiday is just one day. it comes and goes very quickly. there is very little preparation, it comes, you do whatever the day calls for and then it ends. Christymas is a season. Starting the day after Thanksgiving you have the shopping, the decorations, the songs, the baking ect. it lasts a month. it doesn't just come and go, its here for a while. the span of time allows me to get into the "Christymas spirit" and really take a step back and realize what I have in life. The season makes me grateful for everything, all of my friends, family ect.

when he asked i initially responded that i didn't necessarily like all the commercial stuff more than the whole religious aspect. that isn't entirely what i mean. i do not enjoy christmas because i am celebrating the birth of my savior. what i meant to say is that it is a religious experience celebrating life. it goes one step above "the birth of christ." christmas night was the beginning of life and that is what we are celebrating. i like celebrating life. its rejuvenating, its fun, its exciting. and i have alot to celebrate.

i also like christmas because you get the opportunity and excuse to go out and get the people you love gifts. now i don't say presents because presents implys store bought. the best gifts are from the heart and i believe that although you can buy heart felt gifts, hand made always show that you care to put your time and effort into something someone else will have. maybe i'm just a silly girl.

last i love christmas because you get to bake. everyone who actually knows me knows and understands the way to my heart is through food. christmas invites a whole series of cookies, cakes, and confectionary masterpieces that you only see once a year. plus christmas eve dinner is the only one of the year that my dad the chef goes all out for. we have something different every year and it is always amazing. it is definitely the best meal of the year. its something to look forward to. bringing me to my ultimate point. christmas is something to look forward to. something to cross the days off on the calendar for.

thats all i have to say about christmas.
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