stamped as rosetta: outfit theme

Sep 01, 2010 23:32

Outfits Application
Name: Anna
Stamped Previously As:
rosetta ( regular )
terrance & silvermist ( mirror )
5 Positive Traits About Yourself: friendly, caring, determined, honesy and loyal.
5 Negative Traits About Yourself: stubborn, critical, lazy, impatient and pessimistic.
Girly or Tomboy: in between?
Conservative or Risqué: conservative
Solids or Patterns: solid
Loud or Subtle: loud
Colorful or Neutral: colorful
Unique or Trendy: unique
What is your favorite season? I love Spring and Summer very much.
What stores do you tend to shop at the most?

Which one outfit out of all the options would you never wear? Oversized Tinker outfit
Post 3-5 pictures of things you wear or would wear:

Anything else? Place links to the three required applications here: 1. 2. 3.

!stamped: rosettaspringdress

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