yes this is public for a reason... i want everyone to know what an awesome trip this was. =D
so toronto was a pretty good trip. i still say VA beach was better...
mostly because they were assholes about security/code of conduct crap
this time. and cause having the chorus on the trip was effing
sucky...but it was good because i got to meet courtney, kathryn, zack
(boy) and of course carden and fran and margaret and kelly were
there... but overall having the chorus on the trip was crappy. those
kids like to freaking cause trouble.
but anywho....
so thursday i woke up early and went to misty vale and got breakfast
that i didnt end up eating. went to the HS and stood around in the
lobby for a while. went into the auditorium and mrs. b...b....uhh...i
dunno. that mrs. b lady that works in special ed... well she came up to
me and ethan and kristen and katie and asked how to go about this whole
bag checking thing. so she ended up "checking" my bag before anyone
elses. i was already done and set to go out to the bus. which i did
while everyone else got checked. hah.
i got to the back of the bus and saved seats for me, kelly, margaret,
sarah, karla, ross, their friend, carden, fran, kathryn, and emmy.
kelly was my bus buddy. again. it was exciting. i love her bunches.
but yeah. so we were the back of bus 2. and we rocked. and we sang a
lot. and told many many jokes. and...yeah. well.... we had fun.
we stopped at mcdonalds for lunch. i dont like mcdonalds. and kelly
made a hair thing made of flowers. and i put it in my hair. cuteness.
me and kelly. she slept on top of me most of the trip. lol
kristen and katie
fuzzy pic of carden. my camera only sucks slightly. right.
kathryn doing her hair. we did lots of french braids on this trip...
i went to visit margaret and sarah two seats in front of me (karla and
ross were in front of me) and so we took this picture. i make them look
very white. which is exciting, because this is me pale.
oh yeah, and i didnt bother putting on makeup that morning. then i
realized how gross it looked. so i put it on before the second rest
random bus shot.
me and franizzle.
yeah. i dont know. i think i wanted to see how my hair looked or
something. so i felt like making a weird face while i was at it.
me and margaret. cute x a billion. =D
kristen and margaret.
margaret and katie.
we stayed up late. go figure. the 4th in our room ended up not being in
our room. and we had a king size bed and a queen size pull out couch.
but we all just slept in the big bed together. OW OW!! lol
this was my attempt of taking a picture of toronto night life through the closed window...
friday- we wake up super early.
i feel weird because i put on my green jacket thing. and everyone
around me was in back and white. including kristen. we went to the
concert place and the auditorium was really nifty.
umm thats kinda a crappy picture of it.
but yeah. i sat between kristen and margaret while we waited for the band to perform.
i got bored and took pictures from my crotch. because i didnt want to get yelled at for playing with my camera.
margaret got her soul looked into.
and kristen looks kinda emo. i dont know if she knew i was even taking a picture of her.
we were very proud of katie playing. and emmy's solo. yay.
then jazz band went. they were very good. jeremy hodge and nick drabic
are awesome. and mr. ortiz looks like a high schooler. but it's okay.
he's silly. and i think he thought i had a crush on him.
when they were setting up the stage, every time ortiz would walk out we would all clap and yell for him.
so then it was lunch time before the concert choir performed. we ate at wendys. canada salt tasted funny.
yeah. i clearly rock. later on in the concert i put that hood on and
pretended to be rapping. mr. ortiz told me i looked like a turtle. so i
called myself turtle rappa.
i couldnt get my sweatshirt i was angry...
kristen wanted to call chris macaroni since his last name is kraft.
the pictures there looked funny.
we went back to watch chorus. i got bored. as usual. most people were
falling asleep. including eckhardt. but i didn't, for some reason or
yeah, just a little bored...
katie freaked out about something.
kristen, ethan, and scott nichols were all sleeping.
finally after select had gone, we all headed back to the busses to find
that our time in toronto was going to be extended. went back to the
hotel so everyone else could change.
emmy ripped her concert pants before her performance and once we got
back she just ripped them completely. they then decorated their lamp
shade the entire time.
so we head out to toronto... to the "entertainment district" which
didn't seem all that entertaining. we lost everyone because they all
headed to hooters and we stopped for a photo op.
that's kate, fran, shannon, kathryn, katie, carden, emmy, and me looking stupid. =)
after getting lost in toronto for a half hour (we walked all the way
around the baseball stadium instead of simply going up the right stair
case to find hard rock cafe... we wanted to be different. hooters
seemed boring.) we finally found hard rock. they put two tables
together that looked like a butt. kate was in the crack.
we all ate and then the waitress asked us if we wanted brownies. so we
thought she meant little brownies on a plate. when really she meant
it was huge. and we got 3 of them. emmy ate about 2 and half of them. lol
and licked it clean.
so we got outta hard rock just in time to run back for one last photo
op (this pic didnt work on my camera so i'll have to get it from katie)
and then to the busses.
and saw ortiz. and i swear he thinks i wanted him. because every time i said hi to him he ran away. lol
his lips look very shiny...
back at the hotel was...interesting...
emmy cut ryan greene's hair. i don't like him. but it was funny.
it was funnier because of the illegal actions that took place before this. and no, i will not explain. lol
umm i dont exactly remember what went on this night. i know i went
swimming with emmy though. and we wanted to go in the hot tub but we
didnt want to deal with all of the people in there. so i was trying to
think of ways to get them all out.
this is what my brain thought of in a split second:
we shout "GET OUT!!! FIRE IN THE HOT TUB!!!!" and
then we run in and jump on top of everyone and start throwing them all
out. pause and do the "nnsecutse" (um i dont know if you get that..)
dance for a certain hot boy and then procede to throw him out as well.
then we sit in there and relax.
before i told emmy about it i realized it was dumb. but i told her anyway. and she laughed at me.
i ended up going in for a few minutes with kathryn before giving up and
heading back to the room. uhh i dont really know what else we did that
night. but after cerfew there was a security guard watching our room
and the boys next to us. because they were dumb and got caught sneaking
out the first night (good job, brian) so it kinda ruined our chances of
going to join emmy like we wanted. oh well. we had fun anyway. we made
"dry humping lesbian porn" while on speaker phone with chris kraft.
so the next day we wake up for breakfast, go down and eat the gross
food, and then back to the room to chillax and watch tv. then got ready
and such and headed to canada's wonderland. me and emmy wore white
shirts with black bras since it was supposed to rain. it was our little
wet t-shirt contest. which didnt end up working so well.
PHOTO OP... which ended up only being three of us... cool?
we though we weren't gonna be able to keep our group together. but we did. so it was awesome.
we went on a lot of rides. i had sex hair a lot that day. lol and after
one roller coaster i had sex hair and chris walked out funny cause he
slammed his nuts on the ride. twice. it was a funny sight, i'm sure.
in line for top gun we kept walking by this guy and we kept staring at
him because he was gorgeous. every time we would look at him he would
be looking back and would smile. once we were getting toward the end of
the line they wanted me to do the pussy-licking thingy so i did and
freaked out and made emmy hide me. him and his friend laughed a lot.
once we got up further in the line emmy talked to him and found out his
name was anthony. i guessed antonio, so i clearly win. 10 points to me.
he was pretty.
waiting in line for some ride or another.
i have no idea where this was...
katie looked pregnant cause she had another sweatshirt under that one.
we walked over a little bridge and saw this huge pile of fish swimming
practically on top of each other. it was really gross. and they were
all huge. and they wanted people to feed the fish.
we eventually had to go eat dinner. which was annoying. but while we
were sitting there, emmy saw antonio walk by, and we all freaked out
because we thought he was in his 20s and there he was, with a high
school. so he walked over to our table and started talking to us. found
out he is 18. and about 80 other girls flocked to our table to meet
him. but he was ours.
he took a picture of our table, and then took a picture on his phone of just me. -giggles-
and of course we got a picture with him...
mr. harned made fun of us. and mrs. H called him "big tony" it was silly.... very silly.
then we hit our last few coasters. brenden joined us this time.
we only went to awards because we knew antonio would be there. when we
got there he was standing up where his band was and said he wanted our
phone numbers. yay for us. during the awards a girl and boy were
groping each other on the hill and everyone was watching them instead
of the awards. they finally noticed everyone was looking at them, and
they left. we won a few things. jazz band didn't win, which was
flamingly retarded.
so after awards we ran over to antonio and got his number and gave him ours. silly billy.
then we headed back to the busses. -sadness-
back at the hotel was once again fun.
i spent part of the free time searching for a boy for kelly to hook up
with. when he found him he seemed pretty...busy. so we gave up. then we
ended up riding the elevators for a long time, knocking on peoples
doors and then running back to the elevator and closing it before they
could open the door. it was awesome. ortiz was helping us for a while.
we kinda got in trouble for it afterward, but it was stupid and wasnt a big deal anyway.
in the room was the usual sillyness. we entangled ourselves on the bed and took pictures.
and katie looked emo on the couch.
and kristen was on drugs.
we just kinda chilled for a while and eventually completely passed out.
woke up at 7 and realized we were supposed to be completely packed by
7:20 so we got up and got everything together. went down to breakfast,
loaded the busses, and we were off.... bye bye toronto. =(
everyone on our bus slept until we got to niagra falls. which was
really pretty, by the way. we got off for an hour and were told to meet
at some parking lot that no one had any idea where it was.
in the gift shop... sarah is silly. i bought 2 shot glasses there. =)
me and margaret started walking.
so pretty.
photo op!! taken by that teresa chick, who i decided i hate. anyone
that searches that badly for drugs/alcohol on a band trip needs to get
a freaking life.
we saw the tower from niagra.
maid of the mist! JIM CAREY WAS ON THAT!!!
this was about when me and margaret got lost. we had no idea where to
go for the bus. so i called kristen. and then while on the phone with
her saw her walkign out of the restaurant across the street. lol
kristen, margaret, katie, "boy", and carden
we continued walking.
we got to where we were told to be, but no one was there. we were very
confused. we called harned and eckhardt like 8 times. finally saw other
newtown people and ran to them. then the busses came. turns out many
people were lost. including chris. who kinda got in trouble for being
late, but it was their fault for not telling us where the hell to go.
bye bye canada....=(
some random bus pictures...
boy is really good at card tricks!!!
fran, kristen, carden, and kelly
me and carden. i look pretty gross. awesome.
boy and katie and courtney.
i found these in my bag and thought i had forgotten to give them back to chris. but really they belonged to ross.... oops.
i was riding the seat. DIRTY!!!
that was the warning sign in the bathroom. i almost cried. emmy went in
there to take the pictures of it. it was hilarious. our bathroom
smelled so bad that we had to warn people to plug their noses if anyone
was going in it.
boy, carden, courtney
i dont even know...
at the second rest stop kristen didnt wanna get up so i went inside
without her and she grabbed my camera and took random pictures... -sigh-
kristen had bought a lolipop for her brother and kelly picked it up and didn't know what it was. we laughed at her.
bus surfing!
emmy can fit her fist in her mouth...
courtney looked very tired.
yeah. thats the end of the picture portion of the entry....
we sang a lot of songs the whole way there and back. everyone wanted to
kill us on our bus. it was great though. we loved it. all in all, it
was a good trip.
so at the end of the bus trip we all gave each other hugs and decided
we're going to have a party very soon to reunite our group of newly
formed friends. =)
some other fun quotes were
kelly: can you make a latte?
boy: no
kelly: can you make those chino things?
boy: no
kelly: well can you put a donut in a bag?
kelly: well you can't get to europe in a rowboat
katie: yes you can
the burp game... AOOOGA!
-we drive by a prison-
kathryn: HI MRS. POST!!!
carden: home sweet home...
so yeah...
i'd just like to mention that this took me about 2 hours to do all of this.
and now i have to do homework.
there's only like 3 more weeks of school. thank god... -sigh-