Name: Rys
Personal Journal:
tinkerfaeContact: AIM - Alaerys | Plurk - Rys_kit
Timezone: PST (-8 GMT)
Current Characters: Apping Poison Ivy this round
Character Name: Jinx Cereus
Character Journal:
tinkerfaeCanon: Original
Canon Point: N/A
Canon Building: N/A
Home World: She was born in Underhill; a pseudo-alternate dimension from the normal world. It's a world underground, but not. It's accessible via *sithen entrances, mirrorwalking, or established doorways. Hundreds of years ago, the Fates informed the Royal Families and Mystic Councils of both Courts - Seelie and Unseelie - that the time of the fair folk on the mortal plane was drawing to a close. Man was growing, learning things that would, and could, have detrimental effects on their kind. The Fates and the Mystic Councils of both Courts used Olde Magik, Magik of Creation, to build for them their own world; one safe from the strife and war of man, where they and their kind could flourish without prejudice.
And so Underhill was created, each Court having their own sithen within the sithen, for the sithens opened up into a sky that would never see a plane, with grounds that would never see concrete or pollution. This didn't mean that their lives were perfect, however. The Dark and Light Courts fought among themselves, each demanding to be thought of as the Higher Court. The Seelie Court was full of those who were extremely fair, pure blooded; but they could kill with a smile just as easily as any Unseelie could. They just did it more sweetly and preferred to make mortals beg for it. The Unseelie Court was for the half-bloods, or the darker fae that made no qualms about their deviant behavior or violent tendencies. There was a truth in both courts, though - One could not lie. Oh, a fae could dance around the truth and omit nine ways from Sunday, but to outright lie was a physical impossibility for some, and a cause for bringing down the wrath of the Fates for the rare few who managed.
The Fates were the unspoken Oracles of the fae. They were what one swore by, what one feared in the night when they'd been doing wrong. They were just below the Goddess and her Consort; the Fates speaking and being spoken to by them directly. Being that close to omnipotence had made them eccentric, even by fae standards. They kept to themselves, living in their own Sithen, one that even the Mystic Councils visited as infrequently as possible.
Even in their own world, there were still the occasional fae that out of either their inherent curiosity, by accident or by design, found themselves back in the world of Man. Some chose to live there, either drawn by the large number of children, young being something that most fae had an inherent need to protect - barring a few of the darker fae who preyed on them, or because they'd taken to a mortal. Some chose to use their inhuman looks to bind mortals to their whims, others chose to nurse and nurture. Some mated with the humans, the number of fae offspring continuing to dwindle; a cause for argument among both Councils of both Courts.
As it stands today, it would be rare to see a member of the Seelie court out among the humans, but on occasion, a member of the Unseelie will step through the curtain and play with the mortals until they get bored. This is allowed to continue as long as humanity continues to consider fae nothing more than a bunch of tiny figures in children's stories. Fables and myths made to brighten the imagination and paint the walls of nurseries, not creatures that exist in fact, ones that could slip into your home and take your child, as they did in the days of old. The children taken were usually ones with a drop or two of fae blood, ones that could be taken into Underhill and raised among the fae to eventually try to increase their numbers, since humans bred much more prolifically than fae.
History: As one of the rare few pixie-sidhe hybrids, Jinx was a bit of an oddity. Her parents chose not to have a binding pairing contract between themselves, which was fine with all parties involved. Jinx's mother, Arabelle, had already had three children prior to Jinx, Lana, Dale, and Serra, having one more after Jinx as well, Zana. Jinx's name being the odd one out was due to her being the odd one out, her other four siblings all pure pixie. Her father hadn't sired any other children, and while she did talk to him and was partially raised by him, it was more in the obligatory sense than anything born of affection. Her father was an Unseelie fae, not high in the ranking system, but Unseelie nonetheless. Which meant that Jinx, as half-sidhe, was Unseelie as well.
When Jinx was born, she was born pixie-sized, as her mother would have been killed by any size-changing during gestation. It wasn't until she was ten that she had her first size change, which was when she also started learning about the Unseelie way of life; her transformation proving her to be sidhe enough to be acknowledged as one.
As a child, Jinx had the misfortune of being captured by a troll and nearly eaten. As a result, she has a persistent fear of them, even though she's an adult in her own right and can likely take care of herself - she'll always feel the pain of her wing breaking as she was roughly grabbed, and see the gaping maw as the troll brought her towards it for a 'snack'. Thank the Fates her mother and siblings arrived when they did, tiny swords flashing and aimed at sensitive eyes that forced him to release her.
When her Hand of Power manifested, it appeared to be one that had little use outside of menial labor to the Unseelie, and they apprenticed her with the swordsmith. Her father still taught her runes and magic, as all sidhe children learned, and it was discovered she had an affinity with electricity - both in the bolts that crashed from the sky and in the small amounts carried in all living organisms. She was looked down upon by the Unseelie Court, thought of as little more than a pretty plaything that could possibly make semi-decent weapons or jewelry. She was also looked at sideways by the pixies, their distrust of any of the larger fae extending to her, since she wasn't a pure pixie and could sometimes be 'one of them'.
Then Man moved his inventions into the mechanical, harnessing electricity and making complex machines that rumbled along. In her wanderlust stage - a stage gone through by every side, happening and lasting from their early twenties to mid fifties, she came into the mortal realm-- and fell in love. Here was a place that she could put her abilities to use. Here were tools and technology that she could understand, having an almost instant connection with the design and workings of whatever she touched.
Her Wanderlust stage came and went, and Jinx stayed in the mortal world, stayed to watch and play in the progress of Man; from the simple and oft times ineffective prototypes, to now, with technology advancing in leaps and bounds in the last century alone. With a place that she could be effective, Jinx stayed, using her glamour to subtly change her appearance enough to be able to pass for her own 'daughter' when it was time to relocate, before questions were asked.
Personality: Jinx is, by nature, a bundle of positive energy. Her connection with electricity gives her an oft times charged personality, and her pixie half can give her the energy to power through almost anything. She is also curious by nature. All fae have a need to know, and pixies can run headlong into things in their need to find out without always seeing what waits for them. The fae also have no need for modesty, and it takes some serious work to embarrass them. Jinx is perfectly happy being nude, but has learned over the centuries that it discomfits humans or causes them to act inappropriately. She also bears the burden of the fae's fondness of touching. When feeling something strongly, a fae will seek out the touch of someone else; not in a sexual manner, but in one of comfort and acknowledgement. Pixies in particular will often ride around on other fae (and sometimes humans), and therefore have a complete lack of respect for personal space. Jinx has learned over the years to respect it, mostly, but with those she's very comfortable with, or if she's particularly scared, angry, happy, or upset, she will likely find the nearest accommodating person and cling.
Most mortals who know her and know of the differences in the courts will likely argue that Jinx could be part of the 'Darkling Throng', thinking her too bright and pleasant to belong to anything labeled dark. But Jinx can be dark when the situation requires it; pixies being somewhat bloodthirsty when their ire was worked up in the first place. Add to that her father's nature, and she had a vein of violence that runs through her, albeit a thin one. She can calmly and efficiently kill without thinking much of it, because it is the logical and pragmatical thing to do. It wouldn't be out of passion or jealousy; but she will kill to protect her own, the completely defenseless or right a wrong, and she won't think twice about it.
Jinx adores children, as most of the fae do, and this is why she offered her younger sister to come live with her in the mortal realm; which lets her be close to her and her nieces and nephew. Pixies have very green thumbs, and as such, her gardens and potted plants are always in wonderful care and condition.
Her hopes are to continue to do what she does best; mix magic with technology to mesh into a cohesive whole. Things that she fixes have a tendency not to break again, not when they're fortified with runic etchings and a tinge of magic to enforce it. She occasionally will make something non-magical that she can actually show off to the world, enjoying going to patent and prototype fairs and seeing her 'colleagues' and their work.
She will always be afraid of trolls, even though she can handle herself against them, just as she'll always have a fear that one or both sides of her heritage will shun her completely. It's one reason she's stayed among the humans for so long. They may not know who she truly is, but they accept her all the same. She knows she doesn't fit in fully with either side, and she avoids the disapproval by rarely returning to Underhill.
Imported Character History: N/A
- Wields one Hand of Power; the Hand of Metal - allowing her to detect metal elements and alloys, even deep underground, as well as being able to shape and control most metals (other than iron).
- Is strongly connected to the element of electricity - such as lightning and electrical currents. Can control and manipulate the fields and currents around her to an extent.
- Has a unique way of blending Fae magic with Human technology. Is one of the few 'techmages' or 'magitechs' in existence.
- Can shadow walk and is adept at personal glamour - an innate pixie ability.
- Is half pixie, so is able to change sizes; going from human sized to pixie sized at whim. Has a full set of working pixie wings when in pixie form, though the wings turn into a life-sized tattoo on her body when she's human sized.
- Like all fae, is unable to lie and therefore quite adept at speaking the truth without revealing too much.
- The dust from her wings when she's in pixie form can have effects on people, depending on her desires. Giggling/laughter, itching/hives or healing; though, the healing aspect is generally an anesthetic for localized pain and staunching blood flow. She can't heal broken bones or anything very severe.
- Can speak multiple languages, ones she's learned on her travels and stays in various countries over the last almost four hundred years.
First Person Sample:
Oooh, now what in the Fates is this? I wasn't around any doors or sithens, so I couldn't have slipped into Underhill. And this... does not look like Underhill.
[Has a quick peek around, head tipping slightly to the side as she tries to figure out where she is.]
Hello? Anyone here? [Quickly covers her mouth. Maybe it would be best if she kept herself quiet until she figured out where she was. There were hostile, hungry things in the worlds, and she'd hate to find out she'd stumbled into someone's parlor, then basically ran around yelling 'Eat me'. Quietly, she changed sizes, flitting up high to the ceiling and trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, staying among the light fixtures and seeing what she could find out from her vantage point.]
Third Person Sample:
Link to an entry Second Third Person Sample:
It was 1803. She was in Ireland, listening to the mutterings of Republicanism. She'd adapted a more haggard appearance, dulling her hair to greyish red, eyes a watery blue set in a craggy face. Of course, she'd been there long enough for the 'maiden' to have aged so, becoming known as the village tinkerer. Anything that had metal bits and needed seeing to, Jinx had a hand in keeping it working. Well, her and the blacksmith and his family. He'd been reluctant when she'd first come to the small village thirty years ago, but she'd shown herself to be a kindred spirit to him; one that knew metal and how it worked, knew all the differing temperaments it could have and how it behaved and misbehaved. He'd grudgingly accepted her presence, and the fact that she could handle the smaller and more precise things that came along, whereas she mostly left him and anything dealing with iron alone. While not as allergic to it as the rest of her sidhe kin, thanks to her pixie side, it was the one metal that she couldn't manipulate by her Hand, the one she couldn't call claim over.
Hunched over, she carried a filled bucket from the well, water sloshing within as she affected a limping gait and trundled along. The facade was getting weary, and as much as she enjoyed her current location, she was tired of the need to constantly watch herself and her glamour, never able to let it slip. Particularly not in a country with so many superstitions about the 'wee folk'.
"Coming by later for a bite, Jilly?" Jinx turned at the question, seeing the blacksmith's wife, Molly, giving her a small smile.
"If you're makin' that lovely lamb stew I've been smelling all day, I'd be a fool to say no, aye?" She gave the younger woman a small wink, cackling merrily.
Molly laughed, waving a hand at Jinx in mock dismissal. "Oh, be off with you then, but I expect to see you at the table, mind. And don't make me have to come get you."
Jinx chuckled again, turning to head towards her modest earth home, built mostly into the hillside and covered with various herbs and plants, which she graciously let the village women use for their medicines and cooking. "I'll be sure to bring by that bottle of nettle wine I know yer man's been sniffing after. It'll go good with the stew," she called over her shoulder as she limped off.
She heard the answering pleased exclamation, her hearing much more acute than any human's, and she smiled as she hummed her way into her home. Soon, she'd leave it soon. It was time to move on and learn new things, adapt to a new life. But for now, for tonight, she'd enjoy a good meal with people she called friends, reveling in the small moment of family that she came to appreciate every time it was offered.
*Faerie Mounds - ones which have powerful magicks to keep them inacessible to non-fae, though due to the sithen being semi-sentient, it will occasionally let a human in out of malice or playfulness.