Today is GD’s birthday! Yay! I couldn’t think of what to do for her this I ended up stealing her roommate’s key card into her building showing up early before a meeting I had at 10am and decorating her door, cooking her breakfast in bed (so random guy who wanders the kitchens at seven thirty am could critique my egg flipping abilities…oh, the humiliation…), covering a cupcake with 22 candles (who knew candles could create so much heat.....not I, obviously…), and the best part: mixing up some Mimosas.
Thus beginning the traditional Mimosas Birthday Breakfast Toast…
…unfortunately, despite the healing powers of the orange juice, GD is currently on death’s door stop…we couldn’t very well have the birthday party without her…so her roommate watches over her to ensure she doesn’t dehydrate…and I sit here, banished to my house so that she can rest (when I try to sooth people it usually comes off as just smothering…:)) dressed to impress....
My ed teacher from hell already has her grades posted I got a B+....once again proving that my lazy apathy will hinder but not ultimately harm me as I received an A on all assignments…the ones that I completed, that is....I’m going to be the best teacher…as soon as I get this apathetic self loathing undercontrol...
...speaking of self loathing, My directing teacher says I'm missing the self loathing aspect in monolouge that is in this 10 minute play we are directing for our final...she is giving me harder acting directions these days...I think it's a good sign, like she thinks I could handle it...
I have two more finals left....both tomorrow...I’m screwed…so screwed…so very very screwed…
(having said that I think my Literacy Theory final went okay today it was one of the two I was most worried about…now I only have directing and theater history left to pull off…bloody hell…it’s the history one that will screw me…without even a parting glance…bloody hell…)
…I think my floor needs vacuuming…
…the adventure continues…
In other news: Pisces: (Feb. 19-March 20)
You'll be sued for slander, sexual harassment, inciting to riot, and a half-dozen other crimes when you decide to let your dancing speak for you. it bad that this is not the first time I've heard this?
Good karma going out to's no fun to have the flu on your birthday (especially when you're so old)