Card Count: 24
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Cards Trading
Card Log
June 5, 2009 - recieved starter deck Venus 03, 05 and 18 along with Virus 10, Snake 10, Wolf 12, Taichi 06, Term 16, Hat 02, Maram 04, Organ 11, England 01 and bugs 06.
June 8, 2009 - recieved Helix 09 for responding to the starter comment. Traded Azurei Snake 10 and Wolf 12 or Direct 2 and Wired 05.
June 10, 2009 - traded Virus 10 to stopping for Venus01. From Credit where credit is due won License 03, Hobby 11 and Velvet 01.
June 17, 2009 - played Credit Where reit is due and won Fou 05, Puppet 03 and Ruse 20. Won contt 05, Tattoo 13, Armee 09 and Friend 05 from Guess the Anime
June 23, 2009 - traded Kirkland Hobby 11 for Direct 16