A combination of passing interest and searching for kindred spirits or what is closest to kindred spirits who are involved in the same college as myself or near my area. I just started going to middlesex, know no one to be honest and the web always seems like a reasonable albeit intangible place to form platonic connections (for lack of a better word). If this is ludicrous and bizarre to you, well then I regret the liberty of adding you.
I'm sorry I haven't added ya back. I'm not on LJ as often as I used to be.
I also apologize for saying "be right back" on AIM last week & never getting back to you. My mom had called, & all this stupid shit was going on. (I dunno if I mentioned it, but my mom & stepdad are getting a divorce... I've sorta been like, parenting them lately. It's been nuts...)
Call me soon. I miss you, Preston, you jerkface. =p
Aww. Are you kidding?! I responded to you the second I had a message in my inbox! I was wondering whatever the hell happened to my ninja partner in crime.
Comments 16
I'm Zeeshan.
I'm sorry I haven't added ya back. I'm not on LJ as often as I used to be.
I also apologize for saying "be right back" on AIM last week & never getting back to you. My mom had called, & all this stupid shit was going on. (I dunno if I mentioned it, but my mom & stepdad are getting a divorce... I've sorta been like, parenting them lately. It's been nuts...)
Call me soon. I miss you, Preston, you jerkface. =p
apparently not everybody is a bitch.
and yeah you did mention that to me, I'm pretty sure you did.
I will.
I guess I'm not everyone.
A lot of friends forget about one another.
I'm definitely not one of those people.
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