
May 27, 2024 22:13

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fanfic, reading game

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Comments 16

olden_fan May 28 2024, 09:59:12 UTC
How strange this seems to me. I guess we fan readers usually are gentler and kinder than a book reviewer would be. But a fair critique is generally acceptable if not desirable. Reviews are also welcomed by prospective readers. I think what you do is engaging and entertaining.


blondie_54 May 28 2024, 13:22:49 UTC

It’s a fine line to walk, if you’re posting reviews, a case of one man’s meat being another man’s poison. I always read your reviews, they often inspire me to read/re-read the story you’re addressing. I’ll admit, though, that I feel a little uncomfortable by negative reviews of a story that someone may have put a lot of work into.

I think it’s always worth remembering that, in fandom, the authors are amateurs (though some works are more polished than others) and most of us write for the pleasure of it, or simply to fulfil a need to be creative. We may not be the best at it, but are happy to share the results with anyone who cares to read it.


sc_fossil May 28 2024, 13:33:43 UTC
It doesn't matter if they're pros or not. Post online and that tells the world they can talk about it, negatively or positively. LOCs were very harsh back in the day. Today it's considered cruel not to gush over everything somebody does. I no longer write reviews because writers today do not care if their work is any good. They only want patted on the head and told they're wonderful. I was in a discussion a good while ago and the lack of grammar, plot or structure is being "creative". No, it's being lazy. If you have the ability to post online, you have the ability to use an online editor. Posting to AO3 and saying, this isn't beta'd or edited, tells me you didn't care! This is why I rarely read fanfic online. I have my zine collection. Trust me there is real crap in there. But this is beautiful fic that makes me happy ( ... )


sc_fossil May 28 2024, 13:41:51 UTC
A negative review on the content and the style is not a negative review on the author. Saying so and so is a sucky writer is one thing. Saying this story isn't my cuppa because Bodie rapes Doyle is not negative. It's factual. Saying the author's POV is all over the place is not negative. Again, factual. Saying the author left a huge plot hole in the middle of their story isn't negative. Once I read a story where the main character's name was misspelled. You can't write Starsky & Hutch and misspell the character's name. I moved on.


blondie_54 May 28 2024, 14:24:04 UTC

We are far more considerate than any film or book reviewer. Apparently those authors, because their (they're) pros, don't have feelings...

The difference being, perhaps, that pros are getting paid, whereas fanfic writers are giving away their work for free. And you're right, spelling matters. 😁


byslantedlight May 28 2024, 20:10:14 UTC
Personally, I see it as one of the things engaged fans do.This ( ... )


tinturtle May 29 2024, 05:55:44 UTC

Hm. There seems to be a clash of cultures here between that represented by
... )


blondie_54 May 29 2024, 07:25:32 UTC

Heavens, I hope my comments didn't upset you or cause you to rethink the way you review, that wasn't my intent, just my opinion. You will always have dissenters, that's what debates are all about.

Keep on doing what you're doing. As someone once said, "You can't please them all."


tinturtle May 29 2024, 14:13:11 UTC

It is the discovery that I seem to be violating what the Redditors view as community norms that is causing me to rethink. I cited you as an example that not all members of my fandoms disagree with those. I wanted to acknowledge that, while I do think there is a clash of fandom cultures at play, the lines aren’t perfectly sharp.


blondie_54 May 29 2024, 14:34:10 UTC

while I do think there is a clash of fandom cultures at play, the lines aren’t perfectly sharp.

They never will be. The world would be a very boring place if we all thought the same way. Our differences are what makes us human. I may have unintentionally reflected Redditors views (and I know I sound ignorant, but I have no idea who Redditors are 🙂) but it wouldn't stop me reading your reviews. I like them. I like that you take the time to read so many, whether you consider them good or bad, and I thank you for that.

Don't feel you have to compromise, keep doing what you're doing. To compromise is to change the essence of who you are.


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