This is just a 'rough' version for now.
Aged up! - (account
eng_land ) - to be added later blaah
And then he was a... zombie? - (account
tiny_zombie ) - to be added later blaah
Other RPers:
chibimano (child Romano)
-Hate at first sight - no, really. Doesn't get along with him at all. Whilst Aged up managed to give him away to
loyalisthearts despite meeting resistance from two Spains.
-May be responosible for
chibimano's death, or just contributed to the clusterfuck of events that caused it, he doen't seem to be that sure which one's correct - though he does know Rome's got some kind of punishment for him in store.
formosaplum (Taiwan)
- After
loyalisthearts kidnapped her (this happened during the age up) and gave him her as a 'gift' he consider her to be a 'colony' of sorts - despite her constant objections (and the fact he's now back to normal).
-Despite this, their interactions are mostly friendly.
loyalisthearts - Initially unaware of both the fact that this America's under a love spell,
-After being told about it by the colourfonts, he knows about it fully. However, he's still mostly unaware of the, ah, history shared between America and his older self.
-Despite knowing about the spell, he doesn't seem to understand why anons have said he's acting 'strange' or why they mention some 'revolution' - whatever that is.
-First met him whilst he was still aged!up - he was initially taken aback by how affectionate he could be(due to the love spell) but has since warmed up to him - even after returning back to normal.
-Was given the choice whether or not the love spell should stay or not - he chose the former (as did his older self,
petit_france- Most of their interactions involve being annoyed by him - so nothing new there. This France refers to himself a his 'grand frére' .
pub_andgo - His older self who has pretty much adopted him an treats him like son. He has also allowed him to live at his house.
- Hasn't been seen for a while, now...
tony_phone_home -
- Not entirely sure what the hell he's supposed to be (current guess is an elf of some sorts) and often just calls him 'the grey man' or 'that grey space elf'.
-Often RESPONDS TO HIS ALL CAPS SPEECH BY SHOUTING - but does that less often now as he's gotten used to it.
-Tony along with him better than the other England's. Though, after an unfortunate event in part 90 cauising them to switch bodies, this may not be the case anymore.
-HE IS PARTIALLY -ahem- partially responsible for the temporary!age up.
niholoid-The guy with the alpacas.
cymru_am_bith-His Brother; naturally, this means they don't get along that well
-Even though he'd rather die that admit it, he does feel a little indebted to him for curing him of his 'sickness' Read: zombification
whatsthehammer- Probably a bigger sorce of annoyance and general woe thatn his siblings and France - combined.
-Seems to be from a time before the
danelaw, whist this England is from a time just after. Could be a cause of confusion, though that hasn't arisen, yet.
-Also helped with the, ah, 'sickness'.
berwaldergang- Not as, ah, 'bothersome' as viking!Denmark.
-Views with much suspicion (well, he did demand alochol on their first encounter...)
bake_einsamcake- Helped towards the curing of his his 'sickness' Read: zombification
Notable anons:
- She sees him as a sort of 'adoptive younger brother' - first met her in the underworld (long story). Calls her 'blue'.
- unaware of who she really is, as she only shows herself disguised as a normal anon.
- Is the anon responsible for
loyalisthearts current bespelled condition.
- Highly suspicious of her after an incident involving
loyalisthearts and grenades. A.K.A. 'green'
- Has warmed up to her a little bit, now. Still somewhat suspicious, though.
That one anon who has a habit of picking him up and carrying him off.
-Does excatly what it says on the tin.