Some messy notes on old Engish which can be dragged into RP when appropiate~
Note that:
Þ, þ = th (Thorn)
Ð, ð = eth (Eth)
Standardised spelling was pretty much unheard of back then so a single word may have multiple spellings.
Basic Words and Phrases
Wes hāl (singular). (WESS haal)
Wesaþ hāle (male)/hāla (female)/hāl (mixed plural) (WES-ath haa-leh/haa-lah/haal)
(Hāl wes þū!/Bēo gesund! = other forms of singular greeting? :|a)
(Wesaþ hāle/hāla!/Bēoþ gesunde! = hello all (to a group of people)?)
How are you?
Hū gǣþ? (HOO GAYTH?) - used as a real question, not a form of greeting."
(Hū gǣþ hit þē?)
Fine, thank you.
Wel, þancie. (WELL, THAN-kih-eh)
(Ic is gōd = I am good)
(And þū?/And git?/And gē? = and you?)
What is your name?
Hū hātest þu? / Hwæt is þīn nama? (HOO haat-est thoo? / HWAET iss theen nah-mah?)
My name is ______ .
Ic hātte ______ . (itch HAHT-teh)
Nice to meet you.
Ēadig, þec tō mētenne. ("AY-diy THETCH TOE MAY-ten-neh")
Pleased to meet you. ("informal")
Mē līcode þec tō grētenne. (MAY LEE-koh-deh THETCH TOE GRAY-ten-neh)
Bidde. (BID-deh)
Thank you.
Ic þē þancie. (ITCH THAY THAN-ki-eh)(I thank you!)
(þancie þē = Thank you?)
(Ic þē þancas dō/Ic þancie þē/Ic secge þē þancas = thank you (singular))
(Ic ēow þancas dō/Ic þancie ēow/Ic secge ēow þancas =thank you (to a group))
Þancas. (THAN-kahs)
You're welcome.
Georne! (YOR-neh)
Giese. (YEH-zeh)
(gēse= yes?)
Nese. (NEH-zeh)
(nō= no?)
(Gewēne/wēn is (þæt...)/wēnunge.=Maybe.)
Excuse me. (getting attention)
Hīerstu. (HIEHR-stoo)
Excuse me. (begging pardon)
Lāda mec. (LAH-dah METCH)
I'm sorry.
Ic besorgie (hit). (itch be-SOR-khi-eh (hit))
(sārie = sorry?)
Bēo gesund. (singular)(BAY-oh ye-SOOND) - (pretty much saying 'be safe!'... I think)
Bēoþ gē gesunde (male)/gesunda (female)/gesund (mixed). (BAY-ohth YAY
ye-SOON-deh/ye-SOON-dah/ye-SOOND)(basically wishing 'health/soundess/to stay safe/prosperous'? - must find out the full context to this orz - 'gesund' meaning 'safe, whole, uninjured, healthy, prosperous' )
(God þē mid sīe = goodbye (Note:literally= 'God be with you'?)?)
(Wes hāl! (singular) ) Wes hāl! (to a group)?)
Goodbye (informal)
Sīe þu hāl. (SEE-eh thoo haal)
Sīen gē hāle (male)/hāla (female)/hāl (mixed). (SEE-eh thoo HAA-leh/HAA-lah/HAAL)
I can't speak English (well).
Ic ne cann [wel] Englisce sprecan. (itch ne kann [well] ENG-li-sheh spre-kann)
Do you speak English?
Spricst þu / Sprecaþ gē Englisce? (sprikhst thoo / sprekath yay ENG-li-sheh?)
Is there someone here who speaks English?
Is hēr ǣnig þe Englisce spricþ? (ISS HAIR AY-nee, theh ENG-li-sheh sprikth?)
Help! (HELP!)
Good morning.
Gōdne morgen. (GOAD-neh MOR-khen)
(alt. spelling = gōdne morȝen)
(gōdne dæg = good day?)
Good evening.
Gōdne Ǣfen. (GOAD-neh AY-ven)
Good night.
Ēadigne Ǣfen giet. (AY-diy-neh AY-ven yet)
Good night (to sleep)
Gōde Niht. (GO-deh nisht)
I don't understand.
Ic þæt ne undergiete. (itch thaat neh OONDER-YEH-teh)
Where is the toilet, please?
Hwǣr is se feltūn, bidde? (HWAIR iss seh fell-toon, BID-deh?)
Days of the Week
- Mōnandæg = Monday
- Tīwesdæg = Tuesday
- Wōdnesdæg = Wednesday
- Þunresdæg = Thursday
- Frīgedæg = Friday
- Sæternesdæg = Saturday
- Sunnandæg = sunday
- January - se Æfterra Gēola, Ianuarius (Latin: se Ianurius)
- February - se Solmōnaþ, Februarius (Latin: se Februarius, þæs ~i)
- March - se Hrēþmōnaþ, se Hlȳdmōnaþ, se Hlȳda, Martius (Latin: se Martius)
- April - se Ēastermōnaþ, Aprēlis (Latin: se Aprilis)
- May - se Þrimilcemōnaþ, se Þrimilce, Maius (Latin: se Maius)
- June - se Sēremōnaþ, se ǣrra Līða, Iunius (Latin: se Iunius)
- July - se Mǣdmōnaþ, se æfterra Līða, Iulius (Latin: se Iulius)
- August - se Wēodmōnaþ, Agustus (Latin: se Agustus)
- September - se Hāligmōnaþ, se Hærfestmōnaþ, Septembris (Latin: se September)
- October - se Winterfylleþ, Octobris (Latin: se October)
- November - se Blōtmōnaþ, November (Latin: se November)
- December - se Gēolmōnaþ, se ǣrra Gēola, December (Latin: se December)
- June and July together - se Līða
- December and January together - se Gēola
- Spring - se lencten - (from February 7 to May 8)
- Summer - se sumor - (from May 9 to August 6)
- Autumn - se hærfest - (from August 7 to November 6)
- Winter - se winter - (from November 7 to February 6)
Time Words
- Time - sēo tīd, se tīma
- year - þæt gēar
- season - se tīma
- month - se mōnaþ
- week - sēo wucu
- day - se dæg
- hour - sēo stund, sēo tīd
- space of time, interval - þæt fæc
1. ān; forma
2. twēgen, twā, tū; ōðer
3. þrīe, þrēo; þridda
4. fēower; fēorða
5. fīf; fīfta
6. six; sixta
7. seofon; seofoða
8. eahta; eahtoða
9. nigon; nigoða
10. tīene; tēoða
11. endleofan; endleofta
12. twelf; twelfta
13. þrēotīene; þrēotēoða
14. fēowertīene; fēowertēoða
15. fīftīene; fīftēoða
16. sixtīene; sixtēoða
17. seofontīene; seofontēoða
18. eahtatīene; eahtatēoða
19. nigontīene; nigontēoða
20. twentig; twentigoða
21. ān and twentig; ān and twentigoða
30. þrītig; þrītigoða
40. fēowertig; fēowertigoða
50. fīftig; fīftigoða
60. sixtig; sixtigoða
70. hundseofontig; hundseofontigoða
80. hundeahtatig; hundeahtatigoða
90. hundnigontig; hundnigontigoða
100. hund, hundred, hundtēontig; hundtēontigoða
110. hundendleofantig; hundendleofantigoða
120. hundtwelftig; hundtwelftigoða
200. tū hund
300. þrēo hund
1000. þūsend
Englisc = English
Denisc = Danish
hvor meget?= How much?
hwanon cymst þu? = Where are you from?
Hwanon cōme þū/cōmon git/gē?= Where did you come from?
Hwǣr wunast þū?/Hwǣr wunastu?= Where do you live?
Ic wunie in hūse/wununge.= I live in a house.
Hū eald eart þū?= How old are you?
Hū fela gebrōðra and gesweostra hæfst þū?= How many brothers and sisters do you have?
And þū, hwā eart þū?= And you, who are you?
Hwǣr is þæt sēochūs?= Where is the hospital?
Ēadiġ ġebyrddæġ.= Happy birthday.
gemǣnu hālettung - cheers (note: Find out lit. meaning)