Look out, I'm a-ranting...
First, Buffy-strength hugs to
juteux and all the other girls for being our little fandom ambassadors. You guys are fab.:*
And now I rant.
Sweet juses people. I mean really. I've seen people flailing about the latest spoilers like it's the end of the freakin' world. And I’m not getting all high and mighty about this ridiculous obsession with TV and how it rules our lives because, hello. I'm here aren't I? But what I don't get is why this supposed ending is so appalling to some people?? From what I can gather, Brian and Justin split up temporarily because Justin decides once and for all that Brian needs to get his shit together and work out what he wants in a relationship... Brian does. They get back together in what seems to me to be the schmoopiest most romantic way possible... and then BRIAN BUYS THEM A FUCKING HOUSE AND PROPOSES MARRIAGE. That right there is such a huge thing!! What the hey people!! I'm so outrageously excited about that - these are our boys!! As far as I'm concerned, that's the big cheese - Brian is finally making the biggest, grandest, most stupendous romantic gesture of all time. It leaves the Prom dance in its dust. And yet PEOPLE STILL AREN'T HAPPY. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. OK, so they don't actually end up walking down the aisle. In a way I'm kinda glad - I think the ole schmoop-o-meter might have self-imploded if they did. Marriage is an almost ridiculous institution these days, it means more to me that he was 'willing' to make that sort of commitment.
I really REALLY don't understand why people are so upset about Justin leaving?? HE IS 21 (right?) - HE'S A GODDAMN BABY. I had to leave home to attend Med school and there's no way I would have given that up because I'd found the love of my life. That's ludicrous. Some comments I've read suggest Justin is the villian for not staying with Brian, who so obviously desperately needs him. Allow me to respond with a big whopping :|:|:|. Brian is not some invalid, he is not going to fall into a heap if he doesn’t have Justin physically by his side every minute. If he did, what kind of relationship would that be? That’s just ridiculous.8-| I can side with the camp that doesn't understand why Brian doesn't follow Justin to NY, and I guess we'll have to wait for CowLip in their infinite wisdom to give us some reason for that (yeah right), but to me it doesn't really matter. BRIAN BUYS THEM A FUCKING HOUSE AND PROPOSES MARRIAGE. He's obviously 100% committed to this relationship, and I'm sure we’ll be given hints that Brian will follow Justin to NY in the near future.:x
So they don’t end up *together* in the nice Brady Bunch all-loose-ends-tied-up sense. Theirs will never be a traditional or 'tidy' relationship. But they are together in the ways that matter, to me anyway. They’re in love, and they’re chasing their dreams and living them as well. I understand the desire to have them living in their country house and barebacking by the fire, I do. But to me that wouldn't have felt 'true' to the Brian and Justin I know. They're in love and they're happy, and therefore so am I.
Hell. I’m turning into one of those scary people that posts long rants about TV shows aren’t I.:-< It's just some comments I’ve seen have been all “woe is me” and “i've wasted five years of my life” and “we deserved a fairy-tale ending” and “now I will go slash my wrists because my B/J is dead” and they just have me all riled up. The season hasn't even started!! Keep the faith people!! But as far as I’m concerned this IS my fairy-tale ending. BRIAN BUYS THEM A FUCKING HOUSE AND PROPOSES MARRIAGE.:((
Good lord. OK, now is the time when I start feeling guilty and go back and delete half my post because I don’t want to come off sounding like a bitch - because I’m really not.:(( I just want everyone to be happy! I think this will be a great season, to end a truly great show. So enough with the raining on my goddamn parade plz.x-(
Requisite disclaimer: This is MY rant, in MY journal, and I’m allowed to do that.[-x