Picture Tagged!

May 10, 2012 17:34

Saw this over on eadwine63's page, so I decided it'd be fun to do the same thing.

Here are the instructions given:

When you read this YOU'RE TAGGED! (but on my LJ it's a "do it if you'd like to do it") Take a picture of you in your current state, no changing your clothes or quickly putting on makeup. No photoshop!

Click this cut to see! )

pics of tanuki, pic post

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Comments 15

kairi_yume May 13 2012, 13:36:31 UTC
You look fine without being all dressed-up ^^ (pun?)


tinylosttanuki May 14 2012, 19:58:17 UTC
Lol, yeah, very punny X) Though I'm sure I'd get into trouble if I weren't "dressed up" XD

Well, thank you for saying so, but...don't you think I look scary? :3


kairi_yume May 17 2012, 11:06:54 UTC
It would be wrong too, not dressed and staring at us (the camera) :P

Nah, you look fresh ^^ (or maybe that's the feel I get coz you said that you just showered XD)


tinylosttanuki May 17 2012, 14:29:07 UTC
Yup. You wouldn't catch me dead without my clothes on--I don't even let my own family see me without at least a shirt and undergarments on X) And it's been at least eight years now and I've kept that record going strong! ^^

Hahaha, why thank you! XD


a_deux_vitesses May 16 2012, 02:45:16 UTC
You look nice, I like your curly hair, and are your eyes grey? ^^

I'll post this myself too, even though I usually hate taking pics of myself XD


tinylosttanuki May 16 2012, 03:03:11 UTC
Oh, you really think so? Uh, well thank you ^////^ *still isn't used to compliments*
My eyes are grey in this picture, but they tend to shift between grey, grey-blue, light blue, green-blue, and green on a daily basis. My eyes are weird like that ^^;

Yaaaay! :D Yeah, I usually hate taking pictures of myself too(although I've posted A LOT of pics of myself on this site for some reason...), but I'm sure you'll look just fine. You couldn't possibly look worse than I do right here XP

Can you see the reason why my friends nicknamed me "Tanuki"? X)


a_deux_vitesses May 16 2012, 05:00:33 UTC
Yep, and you're welcome ^^ Wow, really? I think that's so cool! I've always wanted grey/blue eyes~ You're lucky.

Really? (There's something about lj that makes you less shy and reserved about posting pics I think. I posted my first ever online pic here~) Lol, thanks, but I assure you, I can look pretty bad at times XD

Hmm... No, I'm sorry, I can't tell ^^' Why?


tinylosttanuki May 16 2012, 06:08:02 UTC
Teehee ^-^ Yup, and the funny thing is it usually changes color to compliment the shirt I'm wearing (or maybe I subconsciously pick out clothes to match my eyes...?) And I always wanted brown eyes, like my mother's. Because I look NOTHING like her X3

Yep! (Okay, good, so again I'm not the only one who's noticed this or who's posted their first online pics here) Welcome, but I can assure you that I'll always look worse than your worst. Cameras absolutely hate me XDD

Well then, it's because of the dark bruise-colored bags surrounding my eyes. When they're really bad I look like a panda or a raccoon, but my attitude and the rest of my appearance makes me seem more like a tanuki to my friends XP I usually cover them up with makeup so that's why I look awful in this picture >.<;


eadwine63 May 16 2012, 08:31:08 UTC
Damn you look fiiiine. do you even have to wear make up EVER? xD
and your hair. i'm jealous of your hair. xD lol. I want curls again....


tinylosttanuki May 16 2012, 18:49:28 UTC
Oh my...well thank you very much O////O Lol, but I'm wearing nothing but a bathrobe in this >.<
Well I prefer not to go out in public without makeup--I need at least cover-up to hide my tanuki-ness X3
Lol, oh no, please don't be jealous X) Having my kind of curly hair is really more trouble than it's worth...
I've always wanted to have straight hair. My hair never stays straight for more than TEN minutes after straightening it...V.V


eadwine63 May 18 2012, 19:45:42 UTC
I guess that every girl with straight hair wants curls and every girl with curls wants straight hair. xD
Although it's easier to curl straight hair than to straighten curls. O_o" sadly. although my curls never last long, except when I get my hair permed first... which ruins your hair. ah well, it's ruined now too, cause I'm bleaching it to my own colour again... -___- going from black to blonde is a pain.


tinylosttanuki May 19 2012, 02:10:07 UTC
Yep, I think that's how it's always been for so many people. Because we all want what we can't have, right? XD
(well, this thing is possible to fix, but you get my point XP)
Yeah, which deeply upsets me >.< Yeah, perms are awful for your hair! When I was little my mom thought it would be a good idea to perm my already-perfectly-curly hair and...well, it didn't turn out all that well for my hair X) Oh, I bet it is a pain! That's kinda why I'm afraid of ever dying or bleaching my hair--although I live in Florida, the sunshine state, so my hair naturally gets bleached during the summer months :P


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