Meme stolen from... several places?
First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
I don't think it ever occured to me to do that until fandom pointed it out to me. And the first time wasn't exactly so much conscious fantasies as it was totally accidental dreams (well, at first anyway). Huh, that's a surprise, I might be a tiny bit embarassed about admitting this. Those dreams were totally about pro wrestling. :D
First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
I've always been more of a lurker, but I guess there was some very tiny interaction in Mag7 and then in something that wasn't fandom specific at all. After that I've had small bursts of wanting to interact with other fans in various fandoms, but usually those feelings haven't lasted for long and I've firmly gone back to lurking. In person I suppose that's probably Harry Potter.
Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:
Oh, I guess that'd have to be Kirk/Spock. Start with the classics, huh? It's not that I remember the first fanfic I read, but the whole thing started with me reading an article in one of those tv guide style of magazines about Kirk/Spock. I'd never heard of fanfic or fandom and I was intigued. So, it almost has to be Kirk/Spock since that would be what I looked up since that was all I knew about at the time.
First RPS/RPF I read:
Can't remember a specific story, but it was something wrestling related. Didn't think of it as RPS/F back then, I didn't even learn that term until a lot later.
First fanfiction I read that made me think, 'YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...':
Not a specific fic, but mostly anything by
eenaangel. It was back when I was really getting into crossovers and was kind of toying with the idea of writing myself and oh, dear god their writing was just perfect. Haven't read anything of theirs in a really long time, I'm not sure I want to, because I like remembering them as the perfect author and who knows how I'd feel about the writing now. :P
Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
Sadly (or really not), those first fics are long gone and I can't be sure about anything. But I'm pretty sure that the first fic never got so far as to have a pairing. There was supposed to be one eventually, but I never wrote that much of it. There was Willow in it though, and someone from wrestling.
First OTP:
Spike/Buffy. Now that was a while ago. OTP is a bit misleading though, I've never taken any pairing that seriously.
First fannish friend I met in person:
It's always been the other way around; met friend and then later realised we're in the same fandom. Not like that's happened all that often. But never met anyone in person that I got to know through fandom.
First character I formally roleplayed:
Oh, I've never roleplayed established characters, never understood the appeal. It's been original characters for me.