I called out sick Saturday because when I got out of bed at 10am (work starts at 3pm and I have to be out of the house by 2 due to evil LA traffic) I had horrible stomach pains, shivering, chills AND sweating, and also very very bad V/D. Which is medical slang for
vomiting and diarrhea. I later diagnosed myself with either food poisoning or simple (yet painful) gastroenteritis. I imagine this is what those sick parvo puppies feel like.
In any case, I spent most of the day either in bed or on/in front of the toilet. Mike somehow convinced me, around 7pm, to go out to dinner with some friends, and magically I did not vomit on anyone and I managed to hold my dinner down. It was nice; we don't go out very often and even less with other people.
Then we left their house and Mike's car suddenly turned itself off. Like, all of the lights turned off, the engine turned off, and we're stuck in a car with no power, just coasting on the street. Luckily, there was no traffic and Mike managed to steer it to the side of the road (terrible parking job in general, but ASTOUNDING considering the lack of power steering, headlights, etc). We called his friend back and he drove us home, since none of my family was awake or available at that point.
This morning he'll go get it with my grandad...possibly on a flatbed, ugh. And I'm going to work to make the moneys.