First Name: Murphy
Middle Name: Thomas
Birthday: September 5
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Fav color: Pink
Day/Night: It depends.
Fave Food: I don't know.
Do you ever wish you had another name? Not really. Sometimes, I guess. It's not that I dislike my own, I just like other people's.
Do you like anyone? Yes...ish.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Ragan.
Who's the loudest? Kim.
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Karla.
Who's the shyest: Candace?
Are you close to any family members? Yes, lots.
When you cried the most: I don't know...the last time I cried, though, was at Ragan's as I was leaving.
What's the best feeling in the world: Memphis.
Worst Feeling: I'm not sure.
Let's walk on the: grass.
Let's run through: nothing. I don't like running.
Let's look at the: art.
What a nice: shirt you have on.
Where did all the: good people go?
Why can't you: use proper grammar?
Silly, little: bugger.
Tell me: your middle name, Chris Kim.
Ran away from home: No. And it's "run",not "ran."
Pictured your crush naked: No. I don't like naked guys.
Skipped school: Not technically.
Broken someone's heart: I believe so.
Been in love: No.
Cried when someone died: Yes.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes.
Done something embarrassing: Yes, but I like to embarrassed sometimes.
Done a drug: No.
Cried in school: Yes.
Your Good Luck Charm: I don't have one.
Person You Hate Most: I don't hate anyone.
Best Thing That Has Happened: Memphis.
Ice Cream: And...?
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Isaac, Cain, Ragan.
Makes you smile: Nate.
Has A Crush On You: ...
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Ish.
Fallen for your best friend?: No.
Made out with JUST a friend?: No
Kissed two people in the same day?: Not really.
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: OH YEAH. PLAYAH OVA' HURR!
Been rejected: . Yes.
Been in love?: No.
Been used?: Yes.
Done something you regret?: No.
Cheated on someone?: No.
Been called a tease: I don't know.
You touched?: Kristin.
You talked to on the phone?: Yisa.
You hugged?: Nate.
You instant messaged?: David or Kevin.
You kissed?: Isaac.
You yelled at?: I don't know.
Who text messaged you?: Allison.
Who broke your heart?: No one.
Who told you they loved you?: My mom?