I'm screaming inside

Jan 19, 2006 22:29

I'm having one of those times... where I like someone... that just happens to be a friend.. a friend that I've had for a couple years or so...And I wanna tell this person, but I'm scared it might ruin our friendship...Any ideas? Help would be wonderful.

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Comments 5

bitchassmandy January 20 2006, 06:03:19 UTC
Hey babeh..

you can't be scared about ruining the friendship.

In all likelihood, he likes you back! So go for it. Everyone says they're scared of ruining the friendship, but you just have to get some courage and just tell them. Or AT LEAST make it apparent. Maybe not necessarily come right out and be like "HEY, i like you" .. but maybe just flirt with him like a madwoman or give him hints.

And anyways, if you telling him you like him ruined the friendship, what kind of guy would that make him? Not a very good one.


anonymous January 20 2006, 22:46:49 UTC
Don't freak yourself out and worry about his reaction, because he probably wouldn't have a bad one. If he's an actual good friend then he's wouldn't be all weird around you at all. Don't be scared to tell him how you really feel, you never know what will happen ;)


theboxed January 20 2006, 22:47:31 UTC
Oh it's Ash


tipsy_turny January 21 2006, 02:42:54 UTC
lol so the anonomous one is from you lol i was like "who posted anonomous?" lol


withering_rose2 January 22 2006, 00:44:13 UTC
ive come to conclusion that im the guy friend you like..and i like you too! :D:D no no, i have the same problem right now..and it sucks...we could do it together!!!


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