1) Samuel gets the voice over as his last gasp.
2) "Help me get these rocks off" --the
dref22 memorial line of the night.
3) I liked Samuel's ringmaster speech at the beinning. The light was very creepy and good.
4) Matt abuse DO NOT WANT.
5) Wait a second, what do you mean "What the hell's he doing here?" Peter TOLD you what he was up to. Why are you at all surprised?
6) Claire is really full of spectacularly bad ideas from start to finish tonight, wasn't she? Scream for help and waste oxygen your dad could use. Try to paw at the rocks that they might come in and collapse and crush you both to smithereens. Get up on a soapbox and try to convince a cult not to trust their charismatic leader. Decide to commit suicide for the news media and trust that they're going to cover you. Seriously, she is just one big bad idea in a small package.
7) How does Doyle know what to make Emma play? Doesn't Emma have to think about the people she wants to attract? Sloppy writing.
8) OH I LOVE DOYLE'S TUX OMG OMG OMG :D Best thing about the whole episode right there.
9) The Claire/HRG heart-to-heart was nice.
10) People won't change, HRG says. They'll come after you. He's seen it. Yes, that was actually volume 4, thanks..
11) Oh my God I loved the Matt/Sylar bit. Matt looked beautiful in that scene, and they were totally having the eyesex. Oh, OT3s, you spring up like dandelions and I hope you never go away.
12) Dude, "push a thought" makes it sound like mental constipation. You do know that, right?
14) The actress does a good old!jayma. Great work on the cadence of the voice and stuff.
15) They actually had me going, I thought maybe Noah was gonna die.
16) OK, I know how Charlie and hiro had to end up the way they did, but still, I wish I could have seen him go back to 1944 and pull a Doc Emmett. (Since Castiel didn't.) Oh, well. I suppose Hiro might have had some problems being Japanese in 1944.
17) I like good!Sylar. I shouldn't, I know he doesn't work well and it was a disaster in Season III, but.... but... he's so loverly!
18) Ray Park was awesomer in three words this episode than Samuel was the whole season.
19) Yay Hiro :-D "Unmei ga yonderu!"
20) Oh. Oh. Doyle. You made a deaf joke. It is ON. EMMA SMASSH.
21) Wait, I thought Ray Park said we would do it quietly? And now he's confronting him? This is bullshit. And how did Matt know to send Eli back to New York to do whatever Noah said? It's not like Matt knew what happened. That was just... I don't know, very, very sloppy. It was a "we need a character to say this so let's have matt make him" despite the lack of believability that Matt would tell him anything of the sort. Pffft.
22) PETER, THE EARTHBENDER. lolol. I like that they are bringing all these old elements back, and that Nathan's death and the brothers theme came back in the end. The problem is that it feels slipshod, gratuitous. I mean, I get it, Claire in front of the cameras again, but that line had no reason to be. Fan service has to work within the confines of the continuity.
23) Ditto them remembering Ando's power. I'm glad they did, but Ando shouldn't have been languishing by the sidelines all this time not mentioning it.
24) Was I the only one who wanted to yell "SAILOR TELEPORT"?
25) Samuel's last Big Psycho Attack was ... gratuitous. Kneeling there with his arms out, what kind of position is that? Gimme a break!
26) I'm terribly glad Sylar is still a fucked-up bastard, even if he's now Chaotic Good.
Have at it, Flist!