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History of House Amell
Sad times were sad :'(
We kick off this update with THE CLAWWWW
& cute little Dale!
Cecilia is such a great mommy!
She hasn't taken anymore jobs since the boys became toddlers,
just wants to stay home & tend to them <3
Cecilia is also a great aunt!
This is Camille's newest baby girl... I forget her name *headdesk*
This is Camille's son, Larry
*the game named him Lamont... but I just kept thinking of Sandford & Sons! LOL!
The sisters are still BFFs & Cecilia always has wants to hang out & talk with Camille <3
The days flewwwwwwwwwww by! & already the boys were children!
Dace rolled Adventurous as his new trait!
Dale rolled Ambitious!
Twins rolling 2 A wants... is it just me that finds that cute? luz!
*spazzes & stalks her around house*
Aw, Cecilia :'(
I downloaded an updated for LN & Generations Sunset Valley from Carl's Sims 3 forum, but even though it's the old fart SV I still love the views so much!
Dale has embraced his evil nature & loves to scare his mom!
Meanwhile, now that the boys are children Cecilia has been getting out a bit more.
Sadly her first outing in ages was to a party where Deng was... she was not happy!
Her step-mom was there too! Hello Casey, long time no see!
Larry, Cecilia's nephew, is such a little Schmoozer! literally! LOL!
But was so cute how he came out to find his aunt & just stood there having a little adult convo with her! LOL!
It was time for China again! Cecilia was flooded with wants to go back so I let her.
Cecilia Hmm... this could be very handy...
She was doing fantastic with working towards her LTW...
however it was soon after this that I had major game issues again that I posted the other day :/ So I ended up changing her LTW to one about the Investigator career because I didn't want to deal with redoing all her fighting matches again :'( *crie*
Ohmygodz Dace! *pets*
Dale is OBSESSED with telling ghost stories!
If I don't watch him he does this non stop all the time -lol!
Back in the swing of things... sort of... Cecilia goes to a bar for a stakeout & ends up spilling her sorrows to the bartender instead :/
Things didn't get any better for her when she ran into Deng AGAIN the next day while out working! *sigh* She just cannot escape him! Her poor broken heart :( It doesn't help that he & his wife are suddenly being all lovely dovey all over town *crie*
Or so Dale claimed before Cecilia made him mop up the mess...
While at the tattoo parlor ~working, the tattoo artist convinced Cecilia she needed some ink that would pep up her life!
She agreed her life needed a bit of spice! So into the chair she went!
Little Miss China-Martial Arts loving Cecilia got an asian inspired one
Then the tatt lady proceeded to crack up once it was done!
DANG U LADY! *shakes fist at her*
Cecilia, clueless, gives her heartfelt thanks.
*shakes head*
Sitting down for their nightly dinner of Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches,
Dale expresses his disdain for high heels..
Dace wonders why his brother cares enough to fuss about women's shoes...
Cecilia -& then the prince saved princess!
Dale That is such bullshi-er, bullcrap, why would he want to save her!? She wore high heels!
daww! This was my first time seeing bedtime stories & tucking in!
Being a working single mom is hard work!
There comes a time in every legacy where everything in the house starts breaking & causing problems. We are to that point.
Cecilia realizes she needs a bit of help around the house so decides to hire a maid.
Cecilia -You charge how much per hour!? OHMYGOD! *worries about money*
She just stood around for like an hour after that -I think she was in shock!
Making the move to their new home really strained the Amell finances! They are nearly broke!
Dale masterminds his plot to blow up the school to Dace!
So... Cecilia is working, the boys are on the school playground &...
this little bastard comes strolling in through the gates like she owns the place!
Little Girl I am going to ride the pony even if they are not home.
Turns out... she is Deng's daughter & the boys half-sister!
Even if they don't know each other!
Cecilia makes more PB&J
Dale obsesses about his hands <3 Neurotic sims!
Little girl -My dad, Deng, is a world famous footballer!
Cecilia *chokes realizing who is at her table*
*must wash girl cooties off my hands*
*must wash girl cooties off my hands*
*must wash girl cooties off my hands*
He had the want to play this & I was like HUH!? WUT!?
Then proceeded to just gush & giggle @ how adorable!
Dale -I am practicing my spying for when I take over the world!
Every toy imaginable on this lot... yet Dale & Dace want to play chess...
HOLY CRAP! Dale almost exploded the house with the chem table! LOL!
Dace -Mom, please make Dale stop telling ghost stories!
... that led to a lecture by Cecilia
Dale *did my twin just tattle on me? someone is going to die*
*hours later*
Dale -OOPH!
& then all was forgiven & forgotten as they ran around the house pillow fighting!
Wow! This is the first relaxing moment Cecilia has had in ages! WOOT!
Dale -Must. Discover. More. Explosives.
Cecilia -Camille! Can you believe the twins are turning into teens today!? I can't believe it!
Me either *sniffles*
I need to extend the childhood years b/c they went by wayyyyyy too fast!
Party set-up! The green square area is a dance thingymajiggy.
LOL @ Dale asking for permission to use tree-house in pic!
Dale -I could so rule the world from up here!
Camille showed up early for the swimsuit themed party & proceeded to tell Cecilia all the ways this could have been better if she, Camille, had planned it.
Camille -You don't even have clowns!
Cecilia -They are about to be teens, Camille, they do not want clowns at their party...
Camille looks odd as an adult now :/
Cecilia tries to change the subject so grumpy Camille won't ruin the party!
Cecilia -So um... did you bring the soda's like I asked?
There are not many people in the hood yet since I nuked them all via awesomemod -lol!
But the teen boy by Cecilia is Larry, Camille's son.
Larry was so not going to stick around & wait for Dale to age up after Dace!
There was cake to be had!
He rolled something else & I totally cheated & made his new trait Brave! SHH!
LMAO Dale rolled Rebellious! So I totally made him over a bit gothy & plan on having lots of fun with him!
Dace was so scoring with this cute girl!
That is until she spotted Dale & totally left Dace in the dust! :O
Dale *pretends to dance while sneaking sniff of arm pitts*
The party was a hit! Dale cheers as the maid cleans & Athletic Dace takes this moment to work out -lol, priorities people!
Dale's new ride
LOL, that night I found Dale fussing about ~the man to Fabio -needless to say, former Leader of the Free World Fabio did not approve. Their relationship is in the red-lolol!
Dace wanted to learn Martial Arts like his mom, so Cecilia gave up on trying to sleep to train him a bit. Her kids are always first even if it means her stats are always in the yellow zone!
LMAO, Dale got a want to start snubbing his half-sister (who he doesn't know is his sister) & also to prank a house, so I sent him to Deng's!
*sneaky dale is sneaky*
But as he is walking up to the door, Deng's wife comes out & greets him!
*if you remember from my post a few days ago, i lost his original wife & this is one of my own sims as replacement*
Dale plays it smooooooooooth, & pretends he came over to see the girl he is snubbing! LOL!
Where do hardcore rebellious teens hang out? WHY THE DINER OF COURSE!
LOL, he was out past curfew but never got arrested!
I was shocked -but let him fulfill his wishes & set traps on every single bench along the SV strip -lolol! The whole area had flashing red prank lights all over! Was hilarious!
Bethany is haunting my house like crazy in the DAYTIME!
ruh roh!
He got caught the next night, but Cecilia wasn't home so I thought he was safe!
The next evening he was hanging out in the alley behind the theater trying to make some moves on this cutie from his party -but they were being stalked by photographers! SIGH!
So he decided to take his date to the movies & make some moves in the dark theater!
Except Cecilia was on her way there too & threw a fit at him being out when he broke curfew the night before!
After grounding Dale, Cecilia had to go to the library to meet someone...
& her luck turned sour when she ran into Deng! He was super nice though, congratulating her on that big jewel heist case she solved recently
She was shocked he touched her
Later on, after working at a fancy club, Cecilia came home to jump on Dale about something else. I lost track of what b/c he STAYS in trouble -lolol! ITS SO FUN!
*Bethany watches*
Dale -This is such bullsh*t!
I was loling so hard at all the negative moodlets he has for being in trouble so much!
Then look at all the good ones for being so bad! LOL! His bar stays in full green no matter how much he gets in trouble -lulz!
& he is ALWAYS sneaking out of the house!
But like all evil little neurotic sims, Dale understands that being a naughty boy doesn't mean you should neglect good hygiene!
Hope you guys enjoyed this fast little update!
I realized I was playing too far ahead & needed to get an update out as fast as I could :) Another update should be out tomorrow b/c I already have about 80 pics for -lolol!
*passes out cookies & dr pepper*