Happy Birthday Bilbo & Frodo!
This pic and its accompanying drabble were actually birthday gifts for
now posted for the first time
In reply to
Wedding Arrangements quite some time ago, Hildi suggested:
This may require a future manip of the now-showing-very-much!Frodo Baggins-Gamgee…
the result!
Welcome Home, Sam…
Candle and clothing swiftly cast aside, Sam kneels close, where firelight flickers soft across the rich curve of belly, firm evidence of a life within. He dips palms to the bowl Frodo offers, warmed in that selfsame glow, and he smiles; there will be other uses for this, tonight.
A kiss to Frodo and Sam reaches, hands cupped possessively, to catch each tiny, rippling kick.
‘He’s more active when he knows you’re coming home!’
‘And how would he know that, me dear?’
‘From the way my heart speeds up,’ says Frodo - and Sam gathers his whole world into his arms.
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(If you also read S/E, the sequel to The Golden Queen begins