My Cool Lil animation lies under the cut, I hope it works.
I love how in some places it's obvious I took time and used reference to help, and in others I just, didn't.
In other news, Today my parents brought a new car, it's a blue/silver Suzuki. It's so HUWGE!!
Also my dad very randomly brought a new digital camera. Which is very nice.
Plus I (finally) got a job!!!
I'm working at
The Works, which is a Publisher Outlet for books, art supplies and other things (HEAVEN) The biggest problems are the low pay (£3.90, still, work is work) Plus I'm only working Sat, in which it gets pretty Damned busy, especially with French kids (KILL)
I've got my first day of training tomorrow, I hope it goes alright and I don't get super-shy.