Call me weird, I'm one of those people who has access to (almost) all of her icons, even those dating all the way back to eight years ago. XD; So hey, thought you guys would get a kick out of my graphics-making growth (lol), or get a kick out of doing this yourself! Even if you've just started making icons, I for one, am always finding terrible
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Comments 13
Well there's an upside to this: you were always able to crop appropriately (can't say the same for me).
Thanks, this was fun!
(Sadly, I can't do this for my graphics. I'm the opposite of you: can barely remember where/if I saved stuff I made last week XD)
Weeell, I did leave out a lot of icons after all. *whistles*
(Aw, I would have loved to see your old stuff! To laugh with you of course. I'm glad we (sort of) get better over time. XD Do you save all of your icons in separate folders then?)
I used to keep my stuff, but after I lost my files awhile back, I just don't even bother keeping them. I delete them soon after and just hope that imageshack doesn't decide to randomly delete my uploads, lol
Ah, I lost quite a bit of mine as well, a year ago I think. Tbh I actually made this post before that happened (lol I really did) so that was a good thing! I still have everything from 2004 on, since I've been using the same account. It's amazing that Photobucket hasn't deleted a thing! /tl;dr I'm not sure why, but I have to keep everything, including quite a few .PSDs. XD
Also, the white border set on overlay. I used to love that. xD And I loved tiny text... you seem to have avoided that trend, though. xD
I-I do believe I have some Arashi icons with tiny text. I was a latecomer! XD
It's interesting though because those icons don't use a lot of negative space, which I know you love, so I guess that developed late in the game? Then again, negative space is something that only really became popular in icon making lately, I believe. I'm the same, actually--most of my older icons I'm trying to fill negative space in with horrible textures that don't work with the icon at all, lol.
Actually, thinking about it, icon making has developed into a really incredible art form. Way back when (I've been making icons since about 2003 myself), almost no one was making icons on the artistic scale people are capable of now. So we've grown right alongside the art itself! Kinda cool. :D
That IS interesting. I guess I was more into center crops; it just made more sense back then. Why would anyone put the subject in the corner when you could have it front and center! XD I probably wasn't great enough at the tools to even make myself negative space, now that I think about it, lol. Apparently I was way too into the filters to even consider nice crops!
You make a great point; that is really neat! As icon makers, we really do change together as well. We all thought those ugly borders were essential, until the right trendsetters paved the way. And together we grow. Or something equally as cheesy. XD
LOLLL. I'm guilty of doing this, tbh. I'm still doing it, sadly. XD;;
And I can't really do this meme because, well. I'm not as creative as you~ ;o; I mean you can really see here that you have talent, even for the first few icons that you made. ♥
♥♥ I can't believe you're complimenting me on ancient icons, ilu.
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