If you were ever to become famous, would you grow annoyed at fans? probs
Have you ever met your favourite band/singer? Not like one-on-one or anything.
Describe the lamp closest to you. no lamp in here. the one in my office is a table lamp. it's silver and thin, clear plastic round bottom, and tube shaped grey shade with circle cut out kind of things
Do you like the Bumper Sticker application on Facebook? ....
Does it annoy you when someone’s on the phone when you want to call someone? i have a cell phone ...
Whose call do you miss most often while you’re in the shower? no ones
You’re going on a roadtrip: What MUST you bring with you? cell, drivers license, keys, etc.
Have you ever been in a life threatening situation? no
You’ve been arrested: What is the most likely reason? i dunno
Who would bail you out if you got arrested? Joel
If you’re graduating this year, what does your dress look like? I already graduated.
If you could tour with any band in the world, who would it be? meh
Do you have any musical talents? nothing major
Would you rather sing or dance in front of 100,000 people? neither
Does it bother you when people don’t capitalize anything? rarely
Would it be more likely of you to fail Science or Math? math
Are you more athletic or academic? Academic.
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs/singers/bands you like? no
Why are you taking this survey right now? because i want to
Have you ever made a survey and then taken it yourself? probably
Would you rather move to Europe or South America? i dunno
Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? How did that work out? it wasnt for that long
Can you forgive the last person who broke your heart? ...
Do you like easy questions or questions that make you think? depends
What are your top five favourite quotes? ...
Could you see yourself dropping out of high school? I graduated high school
How did you find out about your favourite band? ...
Have you ever had a stalker? Not that I am aware of.
Do you correct people when they make spelling mistakes on the internet? rarely
What about in real life? sometimes
How many questions in a survey is considered too long? depends on the kind of questions and my mood
How bored do you have to be to take a survey? depends
Have you ever written a story? nothing major
Think of the last poem you wrote: What inspired you to write it? i dont remmeber. probably Joel
Do you have a chance with the person you like right now? we are getting married in like two months
Do you worry a lot? yes
Are you the type to start talking to a random person, just for fun? No, not usually.
Is it easy to embarrass you? i dunno. depends i guess
Does it annoy you when people scream over little things, such as bugs? yes
What’s the weirdest thing you were scared of as a child? not sure
Are there any embarrassing stories your family tells about you? not really
Think about your favourite number: Why is your favourite? kuz
Do you have any weird allergies? nothing weird
What is something you love that everyone else hates? i dunno
What is something you hate that everyone else loves? country music (well dont HATE)
Can you make yourself cry? sometimes
In your opinion, what is the funniest TV show? i dunno. there is a lot
What TV show drives you crazy? i dunno
Would you rather own a hippopotamus or an elephant? An elephant.
What brand of dish soap do you use? currently using seventh generation
Do you have a lot of creases on your palm? sure
Do any of your neighbors have dogs? yes
Do you believe in fortune tellers? somewhat. i actually just won a free angel card reading from my old friends business
Have you ever been to one? yes
Do you like regular or chocolate milk better? chocolate.
Growing up, did you listen to country music? when i was young
Have you ever bought a fragrance by a celeb because you liked who it was? no
Do you know someone with the last name Johnson? no
Do you normally wash your hands in warm or cold water? warm
Do you watch The Big Bang Theory? sometimes
What time did you wake up this morning? not sure. a few times lol
Do you believe in mediums? less than i believe in psychics
Have you ever been to one? no but my sister and i were going to go to one
Do you think about the way things used to be often? sure
Have you ever dated someone on the football team? no
Do you know someone who has purple in their hair? Or do you? not that i can think of right now
Do you have a gazebo at your house? no
Where were you going the first time you rode a plane? Sarnia ON
Do you like tomatoes? love them
Are you a competitive person? sometimes
Google or Bing? Google
How often do you get an upset stomach? more often then i would like
What’s your favorite brand of bottled water? dont care
Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? no?
Have you ever made a summer bucket list? probably
How do you feel about teenage pregnancy? it happens
When is the next time you’ll be getting a haircut? unsure
What brand of makeup do you wear? various
Have you ever been mooned? yes
Have you ever mooned someone? i suppose
Do you know someone named Ava? yes
What’s worse: A clingy person or someone who doesn’t care enough? doesnt care enough maybe
Do you ever feel like you need to get away? yes
Have you ever stayed in a hotel suite? yes
Don’t you think it would be cool to have one of those big checks? money wise
How many dresses do you own? a bunch
What’s one thing that makes everything in life worthwhile? Love.
What annoys you more: slow talkers or slow walkers? slow talkers
What type of waffles do you like (plain, blueberry etc..)? chocolate chip
Do you ever read the instructions or take a guess? depends lol
Have you ever seen the show Wife Swap? yes
Do you like chicken or beef better? Or do you not eat meat? i dunno i like both so much
Have you ever been to a nightclub? dont think. just bars
Don’t you think full moons are beautiful? yes
01. Is there anything specifically that you’ve been worrying about a lot recently? i guess so ya
02. When you receive a text message from somebody do you usually show in response your emotional reaction in any way? sure
03. the last time you went out somewhere what did your outfit look like? no idea
04. Does it scare you that even after getting a college education that not even that can guarantee you a career? well im way past that but it sucks lol
05. Are there any songs that you could listen to over and over and really not get sick of? probably not on repeat, no
06. What is something that you want to learn how to do before you die? i dunno
07. Do you own a lot of graphic tees, solid colored ones, or more so just tops? mostly solid i guess. i dunno
08. Do you get along well with females? depends on the person
09. When was the last time you embarrassed yourself, and how did the person/people react? I don't remember.
10. Have you recently just been in one of those antisocial moods where you just wanted to be a hermit staying in the house alone when you could have had plans? often lol
11. Is there any desire for you to change your current relationship status right now? only to married haha
12. any specific movie that you wish you could have a love like [ex: the notebook, allie and noah]? its unrealistic
13. Has anyone ever suggested you being good with someone who you haven’t ever been like that with? If so who? dont think
14. Where do you spend a majority of your time when you’re at home? my bedroom
15. Do you feel like there is a difference in you from when you sleep in and are waking up last minute to if you’re waking up earlier, what is it? depends
16. Whenever you do plan on moving out from your parents' house do you think you’ll move out on your own first or move in with other people? moved in with Joel when I moved out
17. Do your parents ever set double standards between you and your other siblings? they have
18. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery, if so for what exactly? not unless it was something serious
19. Do you usually put captions to your photos on Facebook? not always
20. How good are you with people and meeting new people? not that great
21. Have you done a lot of things with different people of your preferred sex? [kissing, dating, sex] Yes.
22. What do you look forward to most about the idea of planning your wedding? honestly im looking forward to it being over lol
23. Does it bother you when people are sexist? it can
24. What is something that you feel is important to have as a person? errr
Websites I Visit on a Daily Basis:
xLive Journal
Drinks That I Love
Mountain Dew
xOrange Soda
xOrange Juice
xGrape Juice/White Grape Juice
xCrystal Lite
xChocolate Milk
xIce Cold Water
Things I Like To Do During Summertime
Amusement Parks
Fourth of July
/Wearing Flip Flops
Eating Watermelon
Words/Phrases I Say a Lot
Oh my gosh
Classes That I’ve Taken
American Sign Language
Early Childhood
Intro to Human Services
Children’s Literature
Things I Like To Do
xMaking plans with friends
xBeing lazy
xSnuggling with my cat
What color shirt are you wearing? dark purple
Do you have any solid colored skinny jeans? just jean jean lol
Have you ever watched Degrassi? yes
Do you think Robert Pattinson is cute? meh
Are you creative? sometimes
Do you think roasted marshmallows taste nasty? no
Would you ever go on a reality tv show? probably not
Have you ever had a pet bird? nope
What color is your toothpaste? brownish whitesh greyish?
Whats your favorite type of cookie? ginger snaps, chocolate chip oatmeal, etc
Do you know how to cook? somewhat
Do you have any siblings that you never seen before? No.
Have you ever heard a song that made you cry? Yes.
Do you watch American Idol? used to
Do you like grocery shopping? not overly
What color eyes do you have? blue
Do you have a desktop or laptop? A laptop for personal use
Would you ever date someone just because they’re rich? no
Do you know how to swim? yes
Have you ever went tubing? dont think
Do you like the smell of cut grass? yes
When was the last time you took a nap? not sure
Do you bruise easily? sometimes
Are you wearing any jewelry? engagement ring
Do you have an older brother? not really, lol
Are you afraid of heights? sure
What color is your living room couch? black
What time of the day is it? 10:58pm
Have you ever won a spelling bee? n/a
Do you prefer pens or pencils? Pens.
Do you like rice crispy treats? Yes.
Do you wear glasses? reading glasses sometimes
Do you like the show “That 70’s Show”? Yes.
What is your favorite energy drink, if you have a favorite at all? none
Would you have kids with the last person you kissed? yes
Have you ever been in someone’s wedding before? yes
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? Tons.
Is there anyone in your life who constantly betrays you? nah, not enough close people to let that happen
Would you call yourself a “home-wrecker?”nope
When was the last time you watched a movie in theaters? like 3 or 4 years ago
Do you know someone who threatens to kill themselves? not currently..that i recall
When was the last time you called someone other than family? today at work
How old were you when you lost your virginity, if you’ve lost it at all? 16
Have you ever ruined someone’s life or planned to? no?
Would you ever completely dye your hair the color green? no
When was the last time you went to the mall? november. i hate malls
Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship before? temporarily
What is your favorite food to eat around Christmas? turkey, ham, sweet n sour meatballs, etc
Is there anyone you want out of your life? no
How many piercings do you have? What are they? none
How much money do you have on you right now? none. all in the bank
Do the people in your town speak like rednecks? lol maybe a little ;)
What kind of pie do you like the best, if you like it at all? chocolate pie with graham cracker crust
What is your dream career? none lol
Have you ever thought of making love in a dressing room? no
What is your favorite movie of all time? save the last dance, etc
When was the last time you cried happy tears? probably recently
What are the initials of the person you’re in love with? JCF
What kind of ice cream do you like the best? grapenut, heavenly hash, strawberry, etc.
Do you know anyone who tries to steal everyone’s boyfriend? not currently
When was the last time someone told you to “be happy?” i dunno
Would you ever go on one of those talent-searching shows? n
What is your favorite holiday? christmas or thanksgiving
When was the last time you wore perfume? What kind? not sure
Is there anyone you wish would call you right now? no
Has your house ever been broken in to? no *knock on wood* lol
Do you know someone who tends to eat all the time? ....yep
Has anyone ever called you an “angel” before? yes
Do you know someone who is completely stuck on themselves? sure
What is your favorite restaurant to go in and eat at? boston pizza? idfk
Do you ever call someone “perfect” or do you consider it a lie? i do and i guess no one is perfect so...
When did you last spend the night at someone’s house? november
Do you have any stickers on your car? sugar skull. i want to remove it tho, its too big
Do you own a jean jacket? yes
You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose? chocolate
Have you ever given someone flowers? yes
Are there any lamps on in the room that you’re currently in? no, just the ceiling light
How often do you get on Facebook? daily
What day of the week is usually your busiest day? depends
What age do you wish you could stay forever? meh 29? lol
Do you have any concerts coming up? no
Have you ever rode in a Corvette? nope
Do you enjoy the sound of thunderstorms? yes
When was the last time that you packed your suitcase? long time ago
Do you own an iHome? nope
Is there a place that you will never return back to? probs
Do you listen to Blink 182? yes
When was the last time that you created a PowerPoint? no idea
Do you like group work? not really
Do you have any stickers on your laptop? i used to over my webcam. thanks for reminding me that it fell off. need a new one
How is the weather at your place right now? not sure. it was hot out today tho so i have my window open still
Have you ever stolen one of those pink plastic flamingos? nope
Is music or the TV on while you complete this survey? tv . shameless (usa)
What song or TV show? shameless (usa)
Does your grass need cut currently? no
Do you listen to Nirvana? sometimes
What color are the doors in your house? white
What brand of shoes do you wear? depends
Have your friends ever not wanted you to be with someone? not that they really epxressed at the time
What thumb do you use to hit the space bar with? depends
Do you own a red dress? no