Say a prayer today. I don't care what religion, denomination, beliefs you hold. Just do it. Sit in silence for one whole minute. Everyone could use that perspective
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I love that I can walk back to my dorm from the library after dark and not have to carry any mace or worry about being robbed.
Sleepy W-S has its advantages.
Things are good here, but the week ahead looks super busy. So I'm buckling down for a tough one with little sleep, to be topped off (hopefully) by dancing at the Duke game on Saturday. Go
So the first football game of the year was yesterday. We beat Syracuse 20-10 which was exciting except the game was a lot closer than it should have been and our QB, Ben Mauk, broke his elbow and is out for the season. Ack
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One more thing to add about the love I have for this campus: the immense feeling of faith on this campus. Everyone wants you to come to their small group, large group, Bible study. And I've really been feeling a pull for that lately
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Everyday I find something else I love about being here. Maybe it's the new-ness. Maybe I'm just like all the bright eyed freshmen. I don't care. I feel like I'm meant to be here. God led me here. It's not luck. There are too many good things
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