I was thinking, a previous post of mine on here was rather negative and after reading it again countless times that I still stand by what I wrote because that's what I've grown up to see.
And now this is how I'll act, so that my child, and future children have a better outlook... Hopefully.
Too many people in this world give up on things because of the difficulties involved, maybe the situation isn't ideal and some days causes more hurt and pain then anything else. But just think for a moment what the world would be like if people did work the complications out, put all their energies into making the things they want happen. Yes it's a tough road, yes it's going to bump you and cut you. But as intellectual human beings be have the capability to learn, grow. We have the power within us to fight for our believes. To rise above all the negativity and hold on to the light of hope.
You can't control what other people may choose to do. If they decide against the fight, it doesn't mean that their weak. Just that they haven't understood the reasons worth fighting for. And I'm sure they are happy, content with the life's they live, bringing children up to be just as happy and just as content.
I want my child, maybe future children to fight. To be bold and strong, to have a fire in their minds, warmth in their hearts and lights in their eyes. To do this I know I need to show them the correct path. Be a fighter myself. My road may be vast, across fields, rivers and oceans. But one day when I reach my destination I will look down to my son, and any future children, they will see the light in my eyes, the fire burning in my mind and feel the warmth beacon from my heart. Only then will they know what waits for them at the end on their own paths, their own fights in life.
Guidance in the key to make a better world. Something we all crave for our family's. If your not willing to fight for it then how does the next generation know it's worth? So I'm saying to myself, roll up your sleeves, paint on that war makeup and put all petty thoughts out of your mind. Look in your heart of hearts.. Find what you desire and go get it. Get bumped, get cut. Teach your children that their dreams really can come true.