May 24, 2004 21:06
Eh...Been thinking lately...Life really does suck...Being single sucks...Everything else really does sucks...Only thing I can really say is...Get the fuck out of carthage when you get the damn chance to guys...Its hell just waiting to burn yoru ass hairs off...
May 23, 2004 19:54
Eh I have thought over the great period of time who are my real friends...And the conclusion is...Fuck the just plain friends...If your my good friend...Reply to this shit...Because I think I am just gonna live with the beer in my hand and the women by my side and the great friends around to have a good time...
May 23, 2004 19:21
Well today was kinda cool...I went to the mall and just watched chaos form...eh alot of gay people there to...But it was some thing to do
May 22, 2004 23:13
Brandino made this for me...Everyone give a round of applause for him...Today was pretty gay/exciting...I came home at about 10 and slept till 5...Then me jon dustin and brandino went on the train tracks and this bitch ass animal scared the shit out of us...Yea then we all split up and now I am here at dustins
Yea so later