First of all, this bizarre little tidbit goes out to
eronanke, who is taking a gruelling 5-hour German exam today:
Wenn du Chuck Norris fragst wie spät es ist, sagt er immer:
„Noch 2 Sekunden…“
Wenn du dann fragst: „Noch 2 Sekunden bis was?“
Verpasst er dir einen Roundhouse-Kick in die Fresse!
(Ganked from the
linguaphiles community
Read more... )
Comments 1
Psammetichus I had really crappy penmanship. In order to get back at his teachers and all the people who complained about not being able to read the scribbled post-its that he left on memos to members of his court, he decreed that his own handwriting would be made the official administrative/business script of Egypt.
Best. Theory. EVAH! I still say that should totally be your thesis.
today I got a package from him with two shirts featuring a couple of my Cafe Press designs in it. *is melty*
Awww... He wins at life even more. :P
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