Taylor, I dont know you too well, but what I do know is that you underestimate yourself way too much. Everytime I say something that is over everyone else's head, you understand. You underestimate yourself way too much. Give yourself some credit every now and then. Unless you really don't want to. Then I will. You are definitely a great thinker person. I dont know about the "idea discussing" thing. Not many people I know at IB are too great at discussing ideas. But, seriously, give yourself some credit. Talk to you later.
I agree. It was a sweet idea, and I'm really sorry that it all got screwed up. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself about everything. And everyone has bad moments. I should know. I'm the queen of those moments. Just try and lighten up some! And by the way, IB kids never talk about philisophical things. Don't kid yourself or buy into that lie.
Comments 4
Acts 4:23 - 5:1
Just try and lighten up some!
And by the way, IB kids never talk about philisophical things. Don't kid yourself or buy into that lie.
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