RIP Stephan Wilson

Aug 20, 2010 10:47

I first met Stephan Wilson a little over 13 years ago, when he was crashing on the couch at a household on Grove Street that my ex-wife was a part of. From that point on he was a fixture in my life - I couldn't go anywhere without seeing him. It seems like I talked to him nearly every week since I met him, but I know that can't be true. He always ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

scanner_darkly August 20 2010, 18:10:59 UTC
Yeah, very well said.


bifrosty2k August 20 2010, 18:44:50 UTC
I honestly can't say that I was much more than an acquaintance to him. This doesn't make his passing have any less of an impact on me.

I have to mirror this sentiment, I didn't know him well but he was always a wonderful person to me. He was even cordial to people who were unkind to him in his professional capacity which speaks a lot about the kind of person he is.


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hypothermya August 21 2010, 00:56:29 UTC
I have fond memories of Stefan from the days when he was the back door guy at Cats Club and I lived in that alley. He always made fun of me for forgetting my ID (more so since I lived a block away), liked to watch us hold fire practice in the alley, always had a light and a kind word for me if I stopped to smoke and bitch about things.

I remember this too. Thanks for sharing this.


whittles August 20 2010, 21:07:06 UTC
Well put.
I couldn't agree more.


hypothermya August 21 2010, 00:52:48 UTC
Thanks for posting this ( ... )


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